Description of the attraction
The history of the Ivanovo Zoo dates back to the late 1980s, when proactive zoologists A. V. Borzov and O. V. Mamikhina, a circle of young naturalists was created in the Ivanov Palace of Pioneers.
The collection of the mug was located in two rooms. To take care of the animals, to learn something new about them, young Ivanovo residents came here from different parts of the city. The first pets of the mug were rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, turtles, as well as exotic animals: parrots and monkeys.
Over time, the collection of animals grew, and there was not enough space to accommodate all the pets in the palace of the pioneers. In this regard, in 1992, specially for this circle, the building of a livestock complex was rented, which was located on the territory of the station of young naturalists in the Workers' settlement. At that time, this territory seemed huge to the teachers of the circle. Outdoor enclosures for animals and birds have gradually grown to the livestock complex. We bought new animals.
The official date for the organization of the Ivanovo Zoo is considered April 1, 1994; this is the date of the decree on the creation of a children's zoological park in the city. Arkady Valentinovich Borzov was appointed director of the new institution. Since 2004, the "City Children's Zoological Park" was renamed into the Municipal Institution "Ivanovsky Zoological Park".
The first visitors appeared at the zoo on September 14, 1996.
At the initial stages of the zoo's formation, it was very difficult for him to survive: there was a constant lack of equipment to finance the purchase of feed. The zoo workers did their best to ensure that the collection of the newly created zoo was preserved, and even replenished with new specimens of animals. The replenishment was due to the reproduction of animals, animals were also brought in by visitors.
Today, the collection of the Ivanovo Zoo includes more than 150 species of animals, which are represented by more than 800 specimens.
The coat of arms of the Ivanovo zoo is the lynx. This animal was not chosen as a symbol by chance. In the 1990s, the Mosfilm Zoo donated a lynx named Vasya to the Ivanovo Zoo, which in the early 1980s starred in the film "The Lynx Returns" directed by Agasiy Babayan. Vasya lived in the zoo for more than ten years. Currently, two lynxes live in the Ivanovo Zoo, which bring new offspring every year. Only in the Ivanovo Zoo you can see the only attraction in the whole world "Bears and Lynxes".
Currently, the collection of the Ivanovo Zoo is represented by primates, artiodactyls, predators, birds and rodents. Here you can see bears, leopards, kangaroos, ponies, pheasants, peacocks, bison, and even the Amur tiger. The Ivanovo Zoo is home to monkeys, reindeer and sika deer, black swans, Altai squirrels, foxes and many other species of animals.
Today the zoo is a striking landmark of Ivanovo, and also helps the upbringing of the younger generation. Every year the zoo is visited by about 100 thousand city residents and city guests.
The zoo owes its existence to the attention and friendly attitude to the problems of its inhabitants by the city authorities.
Since 1999, the Ivanovo Zoo has been running a program aimed at caring for animals. Any person or organization can take custody of the animals they like. You can choose a sponsored animal depending on your personal likes and preferences, and, of course, opportunities. Guardianship of an animal is the allocation of a certain amount of money, which will then be used to provide animals with food, reconstruction, repair of enclosures or the acquisition of a pair for a pet over which guardianship is established.
"Foster parents" receive a corresponding certificate of guardianship. On the animal's enclosure there is a plate with the name of the guardian and his photograph. For legal entities, the zoo provides advertising space on its territory. The guardian can always get any information about the animal he takes care of from the zoo specialists.
Such a program allows people to show disinterestedness and kindness in caring for their "little brothers", to educate children to be responsive, cordial, and love animals.