Bad places of infamy, anomalous zones where people disappear, abandoned underground tunnels and horror factories, have always interested curious people. Not every traveler dares to visit the top 5 creepy places in Russia, but it will be interesting for every tourist to read about them.
If you do decide to visit such places, at least observe safety measures and listen to the recommendations of local guides.
Rocket fuel storage
In the vicinity of Kostroma there is an abandoned complex consisting of 4 propellant storage facilities. Until 2005, it belonged to the local missile division.
When the storage facilities were not needed, they were simply covered with earth. However, local adventurers have found many loopholes through which to enter the mines. It is deserted and eerie, and the air is saturated with chemicals that are harmful to human health.
The tanks where the liquid fuel was stored are not guarded by anyone. Visiting tourists, dreaming of atmospheric photographs, come down here every now and then, and then they find signs of poisoning with harmful substances.
Without a guide who can quickly bring you to the surface if necessary, it is better not to descend into the old fuel storage.
Damn cemetery

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, there is a strange natural anomaly - a small clearing, which the locals call the Devil's Cemetery. It is located on a hill in the area of the Deshemba River.
The road to the meadow is considered very difficult. Tourists get to it on rafts or kayaks along Deshemba, and then walk for about a kilometer. Rafting is possible only in May and early June. In other months of the year, travel can be disastrous.
The general public learned about the Devil's Cemetery in 1991. Before that, 10 years old, experienced tourists were unsuccessfully looking for it, having heard about it from residents of nearby settlements.
It is customary to talk about the Devil's Cemetery in a whisper. The fact is that about 75 people have disappeared here over the course of several decades. These were both solitary travelers who accidentally stumbled upon this place, and search parties, consisting of well-trained people. Cattle do not survive here either.
In the center of the clearing, you can see a strange break. Local historians suggest that this is the mouth of an ancient volcano, which was exposed as a result of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite.
Lake Labynkyr
In 105 km from the Yakut village of Tomtor, there is a deep-water lake Labynkyr, in which, according to rumors, an evil monster lives, eating gape of animals and people. The lake is located in a remote area where good roads are rare. You need to go to him on all-terrain vehicles. The trip to the lake from Tomtor will take about 8 hours.
There are no villages on the shores of the lake. They say that for a long time one repressed lived here, who made friends with the monster, leaving him food on the shore. He died in the 1990s.
Tourists arriving at the lake can stay in a house, which stands on the northern bank of the Labynkyr. Fishermen spend the night there, who in the summer catch pikes and grayling in the pond.
The depth of Labynkyr Lake is from 50 to 80 meters. They say that at the bottom of the lake there are tunnels through which the monster can move to neighboring lakes.
Naturally, no one can really describe the aggressive inhabitant of Labynkyr. It is said to have a gray skin and sharp teeth. Some researchers suggest that a dinosaur survived in Labynkyr.
Devil's lair
The village of Pogranichnoye in the Volgograd region has its own anomalous zone called the Devil's Lair, which local residents try to avoid and advise all tourists. The zone is a strip of land that surrounds the most ordinary hill.
There are a few things you shouldn't do in the Devil's Den:
- do not fly over this area in helicopters, otherwise the engine will definitely fail;
- you should not drive into it in cars, because the car will simply stop;
- and just walking on it is unsafe - you can burn out.
3 people have already become victims of the sudden outbreak of fire. One of them - a local shepherd - was burnt alive instantly, without even trying to knock off the flames. The second died from his burns in the hospital, and only the third managed to recover.
If you go to the Devil's Lair at night, you will have to walk in circles until the morning, because it will be problematic to find a way outside the cursed circle.
There is another anomalous formation near the Devil's Lair, which is called the Drunken Grove. This is a section of a birch forest where you cannot find a single even tree. Imagine birch trees creeping along the ground, where Geiger counters come to life. They say the radiation background in the Drunken Grove is off scale.
Death valleys
There are several places in Russia with the self-explanatory name of the Valley of Death. The first one must be looked for in Valdai. The center of the anomalous zone is considered to be a stump, next to which people and large animals disappear. Only locals who know the area well can lead to this Valley of Death. By the way, the official government denies the presence of strange valleys in Valdai.
The Second Valley of Death is located in Yakutia on the Vilyui River. Its main feature is the so-called strange cauldrons with a diameter of 6 to 9 meters, which are buried upside down in the ground. According to old legends, there are rooms under them where you can spend the night in winter and not freeze. However, you will have to pay for this with your health.
Already in our time, various specialists came to Vilyui to investigate these places, and, unfortunately, they did not find anything.
The Third Valley of Death is located in Kamchatka, near the Kikhpinych volcano next to the Valley of Geysers. In this area, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide turns out to be fatal for various small animals - hares, mice, wolverines, wolves. Birds can also be trapped in the gas.
People who find themselves in this Valley of Death usually easily control their condition and, if they feel unwell, can step aside - at least climb up the slope of the volcano, where there is fresh air. Nobody will spend the night in their right mind in the Valley of Death in Kamchatka.