When to vacation in Costa Rica

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When to vacation in Costa Rica
When to vacation in Costa Rica

Video: When to vacation in Costa Rica

Video: When to vacation in Costa Rica
Video: 12 Essential COSTA RICA TRAVEL Tips | WATCH BEFORE YOU GO!!! 2024, June
photo: When to relax in Costa Rica
photo: When to relax in Costa Rica

Costa Rica means "rich coast" in Spanish. Perhaps Columbus, who gave the name to the country, was disappointed by the lack of gold deposits. But the beauty, richness and diversity of tropical nature make this small piece of land truly rich. The mountains are covered with dense forests to the very peaks, and on the coasts huge leaves of coconut trees give shade. Landscapes have remained unchanged for millennia. Therefore, it was here that the famous film "Jurassic Park" was filmed.

Costa Rica is even rich in oceans: two at once, the Pacific and the Atlantic, wash its shores. Everything grows in this country - from bananas and pineapples to strawberries and regular potatoes. Costa Rica is rich in nature reserves and natural attractions. Here you can find rest for all tastes, it is worth focusing on the main factor - the season. When is the best time to relax in Costa Rica?

Types of tourist seasons

Costa Rica has two main seasons, dry, or high season. And the rainy season, which is considered low. Due to the geographical location, the concept of seasonality is conditional and depends on the height above sea level. In a couple of hours you can get from the beach to the cold peaks of the mountains. In the center of the country, in a valley between mountains and coastal lowlands, temperatures and humidity are always acceptable - such a territory of eternal spring.

People go to Costa Rica not only for a beach holiday, but also ecological tourism, adventure and medical tourism are developed here.

High season

It starts in December and lasts until the end of April. However, you can come to rest in May and already in November - the rains are not frequent and not torrential, but there is no longer any tourist fuss and prices are lower.

The high season is primarily a beach holiday. The entire Pacific coast of the country is a series of beautiful beaches with sand of the most unusual colors and shades: white, gold, silver and black.

The most beautiful are located in the northern part of the coast, the most popular are:

  • Flamingo Beach, or Playa Flamingo, famous among fishing enthusiasts;
  • Playa Conchal, famous for its white sand;
  • Black Beach with sand, respectively, black;
  • Playa Tamarindo, a haven for surf lovers;
  • Playa del Coco, whose beautiful underwater world attracts divers;
  • Punta Leona and Jaco beaches with nightly entertainment shows.

In high season, you can not only enjoy your beach holiday. At this time, it is worth exploring the local underwater caves and suspension bridges, as well as going on an excursion to banana and coffee plantations.

Beaches with clear water and white sand are located on the Caribbean coast. Here, tropical forests come to the very shore, creating unique landscapes. The climate in this part of the country is more variable even during the high season.

Active tourism season

There are plenty of opportunities for an active holiday in Costa Rica. Surfers have chosen the Pacific coast, which combines everything they are looking for - great waves, sun and sand. For beginners, there are quieter places: the beaches of Tambor, Naranjo, Herradura Manzanillo. The Caribbean coast is no less attractive for surfing.

For fans of windsurfing, there is Lake Arenal, one of the best in the world for this sport.

Divers have an incredible chance to dive on two oceans. Although most of all they are attracted by Tikhiy: Cocos Islands with volcanic rocks, arches and grottoes, Tortuga Island, where you can view the wrecks of sunken ships. The southern part of the Pacific coast offers the opportunity to see entire schools of tropical fish, as well as turtles, rays, hammerheads and reef sharks.

Fishing enthusiasts can fish in both sea and fresh water. The variety of prey will surprise even the most sophisticated. For thrill seekers, there is rafting on mountain rapids, jumping into mountain abysses, hot air ballooning.

Ecotourism season

For fans of this type of tourism, Costa Rica is extremely attractive - more than 70 percent of all plants on the planet grow in it. More than 500 thousand species of fauna live here. The area of national parks and reserves is almost a quarter of the state's territory. This small country has 120 volcanoes, of which 70 are active. Moreover, the slopes of the volcanoes are covered with the famous "cloud forests" disappearing from the nature of Central America.

In winter, you can watch the migration of marine mammals and birds.

This country is the world leader in ecological tourism. The biodiversity donated by nature is carefully preserved in it, and tourists from all over the world come to admire it.

Low season

The rainy season starts in May-June. It is during this period that extreme surfing enthusiasts come. The highest waves on the Pacific coast are observed in September-October, in the Caribbean - from November to May.

You can also watch wild animals and birds at any time. Turtle season on the Caribbean coast starts in February and ends in October. The peak of sightings of leatherback sea turtles is in March-April, for green turtles - July-September.

In the low season, it is worth visiting the national parks in the hinterland. The Arenal National Park has the largest lake in the country and an active volcano, bearing the same name. Several waterfalls of extraordinary beauty. And also a resort complex based on thermal springs Tabakon. An active volcano constantly heats up the water in these springs. And volcanic mud is used in cosmetic procedures.

Costa Rica climate

This is a state of eternal summer with an average annual temperature of + 28-30 ° С on both coasts. On the central plateau, the average annual temperature is + 22 ° С, in the region of mountain ranges it can be up to + 10 ° С.

The climate is subequatorial. The only difference between the seasons is humidity. Instead of the usual four seasons, Costa Rica has two seasons, wet and dry, or the rainy season. However, the locals, who have not seen snow, still refer to the seasons as summer (verano) and winter (invierno).

The nature of each season is uniquely beautiful. The wet season is called the green season because of the riot of flora, flowering trees. In the dry season, orchids, bougainvilleas, cacti bloom.

Winter in Costa Rica

Best season, local summer. Daytime temperature is + 28 ° С, night temperature + 22 ° С. The water on the Pacific and Caribbean coasts is comfortable - 25 degrees Celsius. Peak dry season: sunny, unlikely to rain, moderate humidity and easy breathing. At this time, the highest prices for beach holidays are kept.

On the central plateau, winter is considered the peak of the winds - they blow from the North American mountains during the dry season. It is simply sunny and warm in the capital in winter, and pleasantly cool in the morning and in the evening. In mountainous areas, the heat is not felt at all, and at the tops, night temperatures can often go to minus.

Spring in Costa Rica

The spring months are considered the warmest. In March-April, beautiful weather remains, identical to the calendar winter: during the day - about + 29 ° С, at night + 22 ° С. By May, the water on the beaches warms up to + 27 ° C, but the humidity rises - the rainy season begins. On the coast of the Caribbean Sea and in the southern part of the Pacific, it rains a little in May, they come in the afternoon. The northern Pacific coast is still dry in May.

The central part of the country is also much drier, rainfall depends on the direction of the wind. On the slopes of the mountain, precipitation occurs more often, in intermontane basins - less often.

Summer in Costa Rica

It is characterized by two words: moist heat. The rainy season continues, short but heavy. Precipitation always starts and ends unexpectedly. They walk along both coasts, this season there is no particular difference between them. In between rains, the sun often appears. Especially in the morning, so tourists should be guided by an early rise.

The water in the ocean is at the stage of "fresh milk" and tourists in good health do not leave the coast. But the beaches are not crowded - not everyone can tolerate such a high humidity at a daytime air temperature of + 30-32 ° C. Even the night does not bring coolness - the thermometer drops only to + 25 ° С.

Autumn in Costa Rica

It is considered the height of the rainy season. Prices for vouchers are reaching a minimum, but the risk of spending the whole vacation without leaving the hotel increases. On the Caribbean coast, precipitation is maximum. If you go, then to the north of the Pacific Ocean - it rains there in the afternoon, sunny in the morning, cloudless nights. In September, it usually rains in the morning on the central plateau and highlands. Then you can plan walks and excursions. It rains almost constantly in October.

Average monthly daytime temperature is + 28 ° С, night temperature + 23 ° С. In September, the water is still very warm, in November its temperature drops to a comfortable + 24 ° С.
