- Why not summer?
- Beauty Petra
- A country for pilgrims
- Beach vacation
- What to bring from Jordan?
- Features of Jordanian cuisine
Bordered by a number of countries with unstable political conditions, Arab Jordan resembles an oasis of peace and tranquility in the Middle East. The Jordanian king and his advisers are friends with Israel, which is beneficial to both countries. Many tourists choose combined tours for their holidays, which include visits to Israel and Jordan.
Jordan welcomes all travelers: beach lovers who head straight for the Red Sea resort of Aqaba, patients in need of treatment and recovery (mud and Dead Sea waters are at their service), pilgrims seeking to worship holy places, curious tourists who are attracted by attractions ancient cities, fans of outdoor activities. There are coral reefs and abandoned cities covered by sands, snow-white mosques and endless picturesque desert, luxury hotels and a lot of entertainment for every taste.
It is not surprising that many tourists are interested in the question of when is the best time to relax in Jordan. Even local residents will not be able to answer it unequivocally. You can come to Jordan 12 months a year, there is no clearly defined high season here. However, most tourists choose fall, winter and spring for their holidays in Jordan.
Why not summer?
The most comfortable weather conditions for recreation are established in Jordan in spring and autumn. In spring, the air temperature rarely rises above 27 degrees Celsius. It rains about 8 days a month. In autumn, the sultry summer is in no hurry to give up its positions: the air temperature is kept at around 25-30 degrees, and it rains much less often. However, this weather is ideal for sightseeing tourism or recreation in the Dead Sea sanatoriums.
Summer in Jordan is dry and windy, there is practically no rain, but there are often sandstorms, because, as you know, most of the country's territory is occupied by a desert. Then it's better not to be outside. The air warms up to 35 degrees in summer. In such heat, it is quite difficult to move around the desert in ATVs as part of a safari or sightseeing.
Winter in Jordan is characterized by a strong difference between day and night temperatures. At night, the air temperature drops to 0 degrees, and during the day it rises to 14-15. It will not be easy for meteorological people at this time.
Beauty Petra
The pink city of Petra, initially hidden from the eyes of tourists who, before entering its territory, are forced to walk or ride on donkeys through a narrow gorge, appears unexpectedly and immediately overwhelms. The first thing that travelers see is the majestic Al-Khazneh temple, carved into the rock.
The former capital of the Nabataean kingdom, Petra was abandoned by people around the 6th century. n. NS. For a long time, its existence in Europe was not even suspected. The right to accidentally discover the city lost in the rocks belongs to the Swiss Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, who knew Arabic well and was able to pass for a visiting sheikh.
Petra was recently added to the list of new wonders of the world. Thousands of tourists come every year to look at the buildings, harmoniously built into the rocks, which change their color depending on the position of the sun in the sky. To enjoy your trip to Petra, it is best to relax in Jordan when it is not so hot, that is, in autumn or spring.
A country for pilgrims
Not far from Petra, there are two shrines that are often visited by pilgrims. This is the former Nabatean temple of Ad-Deir, which was turned into a monastery by Christians, and the tomb of the high priest Aaron.
In general, Jordan is part of the Holy Land. Here are the places that are mentioned in the Bible, many prophets lived and preached here. You should definitely see the ancient city of Madaba, which is also written about in the Bible. It was abandoned by the inhabitants after 746, when a devastating earthquake occurred here. The restoration of the city began only at the end of the 19th century. Among the attractions of Madaba, it is worth noting several villas built by the ancient Romans, early Christian temples with bright mosaics from the Byzantine period. In one of the local churches, it is believed that the head of John the Baptist is kept.
Beach vacation
Aqaba, Jordan's only resort on the Red Sea, is only 4 hours away from the capital by bus. Buses run between cities frequently - five times a day. Aqaba is famous for its pristine beaches and unique microclimate. The backdrop for the city is mountains that prevent cold air masses, so it is always summer here. Even in winter, the water temperature is kept at around 21-22 degrees Celsius. It can be very hot here in summer, so it is better to relax in Aqaba from autumn to spring.
The length of the beaches in Aqaba is 27 km. The most fashionable hotels of the resort and the most famous restaurants are built along them. Fashionistas from all over the Middle East come to Aqaba for shopping, because they do not charge duties on goods, which means that prices here are an order of magnitude lower than in other cities. If tourists are afraid that they will have to wear long dresses and trousers instead of shorts, then we hasten to reassure them: the customs in Aqaba are not as strict as in the rest of Jordan.
What to bring from Jordan?
Jordan differs significantly from other Arab countries in the culture of behavior in the markets and in private stores. Not a single salesperson will stoop to keep customers out of the way, loudly call them into his shop or grab their hands. All merchants are courteous and attentive.
Another feature of the Jordanian markets is that it is not customary to bargain here. Each seller knows the true price of his product and will not reduce it for the sake of momentary profit. Street vendors drop prices for souvenirs a little.
What goods should a tourist in Jordan pay attention to:
- medical and decorative cosmetics with Dead Sea salts;
- wooden figurines carved by local craftsmen;
- copper utensils with elegant embossing: dishes, cezves, glasses, teapots;
- containers of different shapes, in which pictures were created from multi-colored sand: camels walking in the desert, growing palm trees.
Features of Jordanian cuisine
In Jordan, the traveler discovers many familiar and popular dishes that are served in other Arab countries. Most often these are fried and stewed lamb and veal, rice, vegetable stew, potatoes, millet. Mint, lemon juice, dried and fresh herbs, marinated olives, and onions are actively used as spices and flavoring additives. Eggplants, peas, beans are widely used. Bread products are served with any dish: lavash, flat cakes, which are convenient for scooping up gravy and pieces of meat, as well as bread made from dark flour.
While in Jordan, you should definitely try local sweets: sesame cookies, baklava with nuts, candied or dried fruit pieces and much more. All this splendor is washed down with tea or coffee. Tea is served in small, often metal glasses and a large amount of sugar and mint is placed in it. The coffee, which is prepared in cezves, is drunk by the locals without sugar. In the cafe, a glass of plain or mineral water is served in coffee. Before taking a sip of coffee, you should drink water to refresh the receptors.