Accommodation in Istanbul

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Accommodation in Istanbul
Accommodation in Istanbul

Video: Accommodation in Istanbul

Video: Accommodation in Istanbul
Video: Best Areas to Stay in Istanbul | FULL ACCOMMODATION GUIDE 2023 2024, June
photo: Accommodation in Istanbul
photo: Accommodation in Istanbul

Even having lost the official status of the capital of Turkey, the city has not lost its importance in the economy and culture of the country. It is still loved by millions of tourists who come here in search of ancient monuments and modern goods, the opportunity to simultaneously visit Europe and Asia.

Accommodation in Istanbul - hotel or apartment?


In this issue, hotels in Istanbul are unambiguously victorious; no one can name their number, even very clearly working local tour operators.

The hotel base completely closes the issue with the accommodation of guests, regardless of whether they come in high or low season. At the same time, hotels belong to different categories, which allows a guest with any financial ability to choose good and comfortable accommodation.

Among the negative points, many guests note that not all Turkish hotels correspond to the number of stars that are painted on their facades. This is only a decision of the owner, so in fact, you may encounter unpleasant surprises, including the placement of amenities on the floor. Another nuance of organizing the accommodation of tourists in Istanbul is that the location of the hotel does not play a role in the price per room. A fashionable hotel can literally grow in the middle of a slum, on the other hand, in the historic heart of the city you can find a lot of budget hotels or hostels popular with young people.

Therefore, tour operators advise guests to look for a hotel closer to the purpose of the trip, if a business trip is to a local company, then the hotel should be nearby. If the goal is rest and entertainment, then pay attention to those establishments that are located closer to the city center (so as not to waste time on the road).

Housing in the North or South?

It is known that Istanbul is located on the shores of the bay with the beautiful name of the Golden Horn. There are hotels and inns both on the northern and southern coast, the purpose of the trip, again, plays a role in the choice of the place of residence of the tourist.

Beyoglu, the northern coast of the bay, is characterized by the presence of ancient shops of ukurjuma, promises interesting shopping in the daytime and cozy Istanbul restaurants in the evening. Sultanhamet - the southern coast - invites you to visit numerous monuments of history and culture, walk around the famous Istanbul bazaars, which preserve the unique atmosphere of the previous centuries.

For tourists who dream of thoroughly exploring the architectural masterpieces of Istanbul, it is proposed to choose accommodation in the Blue Mosque area, and there are options: hotels located in ancient buildings, restored historical monuments; hostels, affordable in terms of prices and service.

Secrets of choosing a hotel

An analysis of the cost of rooms in Istanbul and in some Turkish resort shows that the former capital is definitely overpricing. But you should remember about such a concept as "declared value". The real price for accommodation can be reduced by a third if you bargain with the owner or administrator. This moment allows you to get a significant price reduction, spend money on a cultural program.

It is clear that not all hotels are ready to make concessions and reduce the cost, fashionable complexes that are popular with tourists are unlikely to condescend to this. And small hotels, even in the height of the high season, depending on the client's skill in bargaining, can be accommodating.

So, Istanbul is ready to receive tourists with any wallet, there are enough luxury hotels and democratic hotels. You need to stop closer to the place of future work or entertainment and be sure to try to drop the price for the room.
