- Where to begin?
- Obtaining a residence permit
- Legal ways to move to Belarus for permanent residence
- All works are good
- Think for yourself, decide for yourself
Until 1991, the number of foreign citizens who entered Belarus for permanent residence was significantly inferior to the number of its own citizens who emigrated outside the republic. But in recent decades, the country has become of certain interest to foreigners and the situation has changed significantly. The government of Belarus has developed a demographic security program, thanks to which the coefficient of migration growth began to steadily increase. Russian citizens are increasingly interested in how to move to Belarus, because in the neighboring fraternal republic the most comfortable conditions have been created both for living and for doing business. Programs for attracting highly qualified specialists allow you to find qualified and decently paid work. Pensioners are attracted by certain social guarantees and the high level and relative cheapness of spa treatment. Parents choose a low crime rate relative to neighboring countries and the safety of their own children.
Where to begin?
Thanks to special agreements signed at the level of the governments of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, the movement of citizens of our countries within the two territories can be carried out without an entry visa. But in order to live on the territory of the republic, any foreigner must go through the registration procedure and obtain a residence permit so that his stay in Belarus is legal and legal.
Obtaining a residence permit
A residence permit in Belarus is a document that not only allows you to stay in the country, but also certifies the identity of a foreigner. Russian citizens can start registering a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus at the consular section of the embassy in Moscow. In addition to the application and medical insurance, the package of documents must include a certificate of no criminal record and papers confirming the basis for moving.
Typically, a residence permit is granted for a period of one to two years. It can be extended if the foreigner continues to have legal grounds for staying in the country and meets all the requirements of the migration authorities.
Legal ways to move to Belarus for permanent residence
The Republic freely issues a temporary permit to stay in the country to the following categories of foreign citizens:
- Having Belarusian nationality. If you live on the territory of another state, but have a birth certificate or passport issued in the Byelorussian SSR, you will be given a residence permit in your historical homeland, and then - and permanent resident status.
- Those wishing to reunite with a family living in Belarus. The same category of applicants includes newlyweds who have married a citizen or citizen of the republic.
- Students in higher educational institutions of the country. Foreign students can obtain a residence permit on the basis of a study contract concluded with a university.
- Having concluded an employment contract with a Belarusian employer. Permanent work in Belarus is a good reason for obtaining a residence permit, and in the future - and citizenship.
- Having opened their own business on the territory of the republic.
- Those who have invested in the economy of the state an amount equivalent to 150 thousand euros or more. In this case, a residence permit and further citizenship are issued on special preferential terms.
To obtain a passport and citizenship of Belarus, an immigrant will have to live continuously in the country for at least seven full years, know one of the state languages - Russian or Belarusian, and have a legal and stable source of income. One of the prerequisites for obtaining permanent residence is residence permit or registration. An immigrant can register in his own apartment if he managed to purchase real estate in Belarus, or register on a rented living space by agreement with its owner.
All works are good
In order to obtain a residence permit in Belarus on the basis of a work contract, you first have to find an employer and conclude an agreement with him. Highly qualified specialists are usually required in any country, but Minsk has a special policy to attract such personnel. After the conclusion of the contract, the employer draws up a work permit and registration for the invited specialist, on the basis of which a residence permit is issued.
The document can be renewed as soon as it expires. The conditions for the extension will be the presence of a prolonged working contract and the absence of problems with the country's migration authorities.
Think for yourself, decide for yourself
Experts in the field of migration law consider the Republic of Belarus the most promising direction for Russian citizens in the coming years. Confident growth of economic indicators, relative stability, the absence of a language barrier, similarity of mentality, favorable living conditions, a mild climate are increasingly becoming the reasons for moving to Belarus not only for elderly citizens, but also for active purposeful youth.
Only the law prohibiting dual citizenship looks like a fly in the ointment in a barrel of Belarusian honey, and therefore all former residents of Russia who want to get the coveted blue passport will have to first abandon the red one.
Children born to a couple, at least one of whose members is a citizen of Belarus, automatically receive citizenship.