- How do you legally obtain Mexican citizenship?
- Naturalization for obtaining Mexican citizenship
- Loss of citizenship
Any of the Central American countries becomes a good way to get to the United States of America. This state is the dream of many foreigners, but at the same time it is quite tough in the selection of new candidates for American citizens. You can often come across the question of how to obtain Mexican citizenship, which clearly provides for other purposes, for example, visa-free travel to the United States, Canada and other countries of the world.
In this article, we will talk about the citizenship of the United Mexican States, we will try to find out what requirements and conditions are put forward, what legislative acts are in force in the state, whether there are conditions for obtaining citizenship according to simplified schemes.
How do you legally obtain Mexican citizenship?
First of all, you need to be guided by Mexican legislation, where the main document regulating the issue of obtaining citizenship is the Federal Constitution, at the moment it is in force in the 1998 edition. This important normative legal act sets out the basic conditions: by birthright; by origin; naturalization.
As you can see, in the field of citizenship, the legislative acts of Mexico are no different from the legal practice of most countries of the world. The first condition makes it possible to automatically obtain the citizenship of this country for a child born on its territory, the nationality of the parents does not play a role in this case.
The principle of admission to citizenship by origin applies in cases where the baby is born abroad, but his parents are Mexican nationals. Also, this basis for obtaining Mexican citizenship is triggered if the place of birth of the child is an airplane or ship owned by the state.
Acquisition of citizenship by an adopted child is carried out according to a simplified scheme, it does not matter what nationality the baby is, in what country he lived until the moment of adoption. It is important that his parents are Mexican nationals, then he also receives the citizenship of the United Mexican States.
Naturalization for obtaining Mexican citizenship
Most immigrants can only benefit from United Mexican citizenship through naturalization. To do this, they must confirm the knowledge of the state language, in the country this role is played by the Spanish language. Also, potential applicants must prove the fact of residence in the territory of the state for the last five years. I would like to note that, firstly, residence must be continuous, and secondly, the five-year period is the most common period of residency for obtaining citizenship.
In addition, as in many other countries of the world, the period of residence can be changed downward for certain categories of persons, among them the following are distinguished: foreign spouses; parents or children who are Mexican nationals; renounced citizenship by origin; persons who have made a worthy contribution to science and technology, economy and culture of the state. As can be seen from the above list, civil law in terms of reducing the length of residence is based in Mexico in the practice of the leading countries of the world.
Another important condition that will be taken into account when considering the issue of admission to citizenship is the availability of a source of income, stable, permanent, legal. It is known that the Mexican immigration authorities encourage the practice of moving to the country for permanent residence for persons who are financially secure and could contribute to the development of the economy, technology, and science.
Another category of people who get the green light when acquiring citizenship are rentiers with large bank deposits and owners of real estate in Mexico. First, a person receives an immigration visa, and the category under which he falls is prescribed. Further, the document on a temporary residence permit is replaced by a similar document for permanent residence. After that, having withstood a five-year period, you can proceed to naturalization.
Loss of citizenship
The legislative framework of Mexico prescribes the conditions not only for obtaining citizenship, but also for its loss. Moreover, the loss of the rights of a Mexican citizen can occur on a voluntary and involuntary basis. In the first case, the person renounces citizenship on his own, notifying the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in writing.
Involuntary loss means that a person who has acquired Mexican citizenship leaves the country and lives outside of it for five years. Also, a person will be deprived of Mexican citizenship in case of receiving an honorary title from any foreign organization or institution. Naturally, when establishing the fact of providing false information, attempts by a naturalized citizen to present a foreign passport or declare himself a foreigner, the person is also deprived of the Mexican passport.