Liechtenstein is in a special position not only among the dwarf states, but throughout Europe. How to obtain Liechtenstein citizenship is an extremely difficult task not only for Russians, but also for Europeans - local legislation extremely does not welcome the issuance of citizenship to everyone, this is the most closed corner of Europe in terms of immigration.
Work residence permit
Foreigners from the European Union or the European Economic Area wishing to obtain a work permit should proceed as follows. After a person arrives in the country, within ten days he needs to register in Vaduz. If employment is planned immediately upon arrival, then an application for work and accommodation must be submitted four weeks in advance. The permit is issued the same as in neighboring Switzerland. The residence permit will be issued either for one year or for a period of five years (the second option has the option of extending for two years).
For the first time, a residence permit is granted in the following situations: a person has an employment agreement for a period of one year or more (the exact period may be uncertain); the applicant already had a local residence permit; his activities require permanent residence in the principality; the applicant is highly qualified in the field that is in demand in the local labor market.
A short-term residence permit is obtained by employed citizens (the residence permit is valid for less than one year) in such situations: an employment contract for less than one year; refusal to travel abroad for the duration of work.
It is very, very difficult to obtain Liechtenstein citizenship - an exception is granted only to citizens of the European Union. However, in fairness, it can be noted that citizens of the European Union also receive citizenship on a strictly individual basis - with the only difference that local authorities are a little more loyal to them.
Citizens of the countries of the eastern part of Europe can apply for citizenship if they have any merit, a solid bank account or are in high demand from the Liechtenstein authorities.
In the event that a Liechtenstein citizen marries a foreigner or a foreigner, the foreigner must live in the country for more than twelve years, and the marriage must last more than three years - only then the foreigner gets the right to apply for citizenship. Applicants who have officially lived in Liechtenstein for more than thirty years can also apply for citizenship.
It must be borne in mind that the law on immigrants simply does not exist, that is, there is not even any single system where the main positions of local authorities regarding immigrants would be formulated. All requests are considered on an individual basis.
Foreign citizens from non-EU countries can buy real estate only in certain areas - by the way, there are not so many of these areas. Student visas to Liechtenstein are given extremely reluctantly, and the local population prefers other European countries for education.
Immigration with refugee status
There is also a very original way of immigration to Liechtenstein - through obtaining refugee status. In this case, immigration starts right from the crossing of the state border (which, by the way, is very vague here - an ordinary road sign indicates that the territory of Liechtenstein begins).
If there is a need to obtain refugee status in Liechtenstein, then it must be remembered that if a person has a refusal in any other European country, Liechtenstein is practically the last chance. You can enter the country from Austria or Switzerland. It is almost impossible to enter legally and try to obtain refugee status.
Then you should contact the criminal police and explain the situation. The police will take the applicant to Vaduz - this is where the only police station in the country is located. After the primary documents are completed, the police escort the refugees to the hostel.
During two weeks, refugees are interviewed, where it will be necessary to explain in detail what caused them to apply for asylum in Liechtenstein. Those whose cases are pending receive social benefits - about 80 francs per week (a little over two hundred euros per month). Also, if necessary, an opportunity is provided to earn a part-time job, but in this case, housing costs are deducted from the salary. A potential refugee is given no more than three francs per hour of work, the remaining funds are accumulated in a bank account and issued only if the decision on granting refugee status is made positive.