How to get Georgian citizenship

How to get Georgian citizenship
How to get Georgian citizenship
photo: How to get Georgian citizenship
photo: How to get Georgian citizenship
  • How can you get Georgian citizenship
  • Conditions for passing the simplified procedure
  • Procedure for obtaining Georgian citizenship
  • Other conditions

The beautiful Georgian landscapes, the Black Sea, the sun, fruits and the hospitality of the locals leave the most favorable impressions for the guests. After visiting this country, many foreigners begin to seriously think about how to change their registration. Over time, immigrants have a new task, how to obtain Georgian citizenship, what conditions are necessary for this, what can become an obstacle.

How can you get Georgian citizenship

In terms of obtaining the rights of a Georgian citizen, the country's authorities are unoriginal, the same requirements are imposed as in other countries of the world. The main conditions are as follows: a certain period of residence in the country; knowledge of the state language; knowledge of the country's legislation, history and culture of Georgia; fixed income.

With regard to the length of residence, Georgia is more loyal than most states on this planet. It is enough to live permanently on Georgian territory for only five years in order to have the right to become a full member of the local society. With regard to the language, everything is simple - the state language is one, Georgian, knowledge of it is checked during the exam. The Georgian authorities are also serious about testing their knowledge of local legislation - another exam awaits a potential applicant for citizenship of this beautiful Caucasian republic.

Conditions for passing the simplified procedure

It is worth noting that the Georgian authorities make it possible to become a citizen of the country on easier conditions or without observing them at all. The high title of a citizen of Georgia can be conferred by the President of the country, there are several reasons for this.

The list includes special services to mankind and the country in the field of science, social activities, the highest level of mastering a particular profession, qualifications that are of interest to Georgia.

Procedure for obtaining Georgian citizenship

There are several ways to submit documents, if a foreigner is on the territory of Georgia, then his way is to the House of Justice, it is this structure that accepts a package of documents for obtaining citizenship. You can do the same while outside the borders of the state; you can submit documents to the Georgian embassy or consular mission, if there is no embassy. There is also a third option for submitting documents, regardless of the location of the applicant, in the country or abroad - sending the package directly to the name of the President of the Republic of Georgia.

The list of documents that is attached to the application for citizenship is not too long. For each reason, a corresponding document is presented, which is a confirmation of a particular condition. For example, the condition of knowing the Georgian language is confirmed by a certificate, in which the passing of the exam is attested and the corresponding mark is given. When submitting documents in person to the embassy (consulate), a passport or other identity card of the applicant is presented. When sending a package by mail, a copy, notarized, is attached.

The same applies to obtaining citizenship on special conditions, for example, if the reason for admission to citizenship is the outstanding merits of the applicant, then he must demonstrate documents, papers testifying to this. Documents that confirm the availability of an academic degree, awards, prizes are taken into account. An additional bonus can be a petition from state or local authorities, legal entities, or a political party.

Other conditions

There are other ways to obtain Georgian citizenship. In this country, similar to world practice, marriage is another way to obtain legal rights, moreover, a shorter one. It will take only two years to live in the country, not five, as for obtaining citizenship on a general basis.

The same applies to children, parents submit an application for admission to Georgian citizenship for a child under 14 years old without asking his consent, from 14 to 18 years old the same thing, but a written agreement of a potential young applicant is required. If one parent submits the application, the other must attach his written consent to acquire Georgian citizenship by their common child.

Do not forget about two points, without which it is impossible to obtain a passport of a citizen of Georgia: payment of the state fee for the submission and examination of documents; all documentation is submitted in Georgian, or translated into Georgian, with notarization.

Since 2010, a biometric passport system has been introduced in the republic, so every new citizen can get a new certificate. A plastic card with a microchip contributes to an increase in the level of security in the country, simplifies the movement of citizens within Georgia and across the border.
