At one time, relations between the Soviet Union and Bulgaria were very warm, many of the Soviet citizens corresponded with Bulgarian friends, went on vacation and received them. Therefore, even today, when the conversation about this country comes, a friendly attitude is felt. Some citizens of today's Russia even dream of moving closer to the sea, and therefore are interested in the question of how to obtain Bulgarian citizenship.
The task is difficult, but it is quite within the power of a purposeful person, the main thing is to clearly know what conditions must be met, what documents will need to be collected. Below will be told about the methods of obtaining Bulgarian citizenship, problems and prospects.
What is the easiest way to obtain Bulgarian citizenship?
In Bulgaria, as in neighboring countries, there are many ways that lead to citizenship: by birth; marriage with a Bulgarian citizen; restoration of the country's citizenship; ethnic roots; naturalization; special services in the field of politics, economics, science, culture; investment programs.
The latter method of obtaining citizenship sets Bulgaria apart from other states on this planet. To get the coveted passport, a person needs to invest a certain amount in the Bulgarian economy. It is clearly stipulated in legislative acts, but quite large. Thus, several issues are resolved at the same time, the economy receives additional financial resources, on the other hand, since the amount is large, the circle of those wishing to obtain citizenship through investment is rather limited.
Features of certain methods of obtaining citizenship
Finding Bulgarian roots in a family tree can greatly simplify the procedure for obtaining a long-awaited citizen's passport. The only moment, consideration of an application from ethnic Bulgarians can take quite a long time. In some cases, the term can reach three years, this is due to the large volume of work. Citizens of Moldova have shown themselves especially actively, on the territory of which many indigenous representatives of the neighboring state turned out to be. Now, taking advantage of the opportunities provided, many of them are trying to return to their historical homeland, to obtain a second citizenship.
For all other citizens of the planet, naturalization remains the most suitable way to obtain a Bulgarian passport by legal means. The main points are spelled out in Article 12 of the well-known "Law on Bulgarian Citizenship". After meeting certain conditions, fulfilling a number of requirements and paying the fee for the examination of documents, a potential applicant for Bulgarian citizenship can only wait. The terms of consideration are set within up to 3 years from the date of acceptance of the package of documents.
According to one of the articles of the above-mentioned law on citizenship, some categories of citizens have a unique opportunity to obtain citizenship of the country without meeting the conditions. For this, it is necessary, relatively speaking, to accomplish a feat, literally or figuratively. The opportunity to apply for citizenship is available to prominent figures in economics, politics or culture. Naturally, the result of their activities, discoveries and accomplishments should directly relate to Bulgaria, its modern realities, historical past or prospects.
Citizenship - in exchange for investment
The aforementioned law contains another article, which clearly states which other applicants can actually apply for obtaining Bulgarian citizenship on special conditions. This category of applicants includes wealthy citizens of any country in the world who are ready to invest their own funds in the development of the Bulgarian economy. Obtaining a Bulgarian passport will take less time and rather large financial investments: investing a million leva in government bonds allows you to get permanent residence in Bulgaria in a year; investment of another million leva, and a year later the investor receives the coveted Bulgarian passport.
There are additional advantages of this method of acquiring citizenship, for example, together with the applicant, a spouse and children who have not reached the age of majority will be able to become citizens of this European state, according to the Bulgarian rules - 18 years old.
Lawyers note that the practice of acquiring citizenship by investment is widespread in Western Europe, but the amounts required to achieve the goal are much higher in other countries than in Bulgaria.
Given that there are various ways to obtain the main document of a citizen of Bulgaria, each person has the right to decide on the choice of the method independently. He can get detailed advice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, institutions dealing with immigration issues.