- How to quickly obtain French citizenship?
- Naturalization is the hardest way
- Citizenship as a marriage gift
Fabulous France attracts with its architectural and artistic masterpieces, the most fashionable things and perfumes. Many believe that it is in this country that the best opportunities for self-realization and the achievement of higher goals are, and therefore, from all the states of the world they choose it for permanent residence. After a while, residents understand that they need to move on, and therefore the question arises of how to obtain French citizenship.
In principle, this question can be asked by all other inhabitants of the planet, since everyone who has one reason or another can become a full citizen of the French Republic. This material will highlight the issue of obtaining citizenship, describe the ways and conditions of passage.
How to quickly obtain French citizenship?
Having started to study French legislation in terms of obtaining citizenship, a person begins to understand that not everything is simple. There are conditions under which problems do not arise at all; under other conditions, the process becomes very complex both from a material and moral point of view. The most popular in France today are the following ways of acquiring the status of a citizen: birth; establishing family ties; naturalization; legal marriage with a French citizen (he may not necessarily be French); business in the country.
The birth of a child in France does not yet give him the right to be considered a citizen of this country. Other conditions must be met, for example, one of the parents has citizenship, family ties have been established and proven. In the latter case, the child can be born abroad, but, starting from the age of eleven, he must live in the country for 5 years, then you can apply for citizenship under a simplified scheme. The same applies to adopted children, they automatically acquire the rights of a citizen, provided that the adoptive parents have such rights.
Naturalization is the hardest way
The naturalization process, that is, obtaining citizenship through integration into French society, is the only one for many people. And although it is quite complex in itself, it presupposes the presence of many conditions, people decide on it, because they understand that, having become a citizen of the country, they will gain many advantages. Among the necessary conditions are the following:
- five years of residence in France (trial period);
- permanent place of work, stable earnings;
- full payment of bills;
- knowledge of French;
- a good degree of integration into the public life of the country, knowledge of the economy, history, culture.
Living in the country for five years is not the worst test for a person, there are states on the planet that make more serious requirements for potential citizenship seekers. In France, on the contrary, there is a possibility of shortening the five-year period, however, the reasons must be very serious - service in the armed forces, security agencies, sports records.
Much more difficult is the condition for a good knowledge of the state language, changes in the country's legislation in this part were made in 2012 and are in force today. The first requirement is the presentation of a diploma confirming the completion of a training course at an institute, another educational institution. In this case, the reviewers will not only look at the record of the French course, but also pay attention to the mark.
If a person studied another foreign language at a university, then he will have to take special language courses, provide a certificate when submitting documents, which must comply with international standards. The test of knowledge of the language is completed by an interview, which will be conducted by a specialist who accepts documents for consideration.
Citizenship as a marriage gift
Unfortunately, with the change in French legislation in 2006, it will no longer be possible to obtain citizenship by simply entering into a marriage union. There are a number of conditions, the first of which is that the second half of the family has citizenship. The second condition is that it is necessary to live together for at least four years, and if the spouses spend part of their time outside France, then the period is increased by one more year.
Another prerequisite is the consent of the French citizen to obtain citizenship by the second spouse. And it must be remembered that no one canceled the test of knowledge of the state language, knowledge of history, traditions, politics and culture of the state. In addition, marriage in France is a serious, responsible procedure that will require no less effort, documents and funds than obtaining citizenship.