Everyone will see interesting places in Brest and other sights of the city during the excursion program.
Unusual sights of Brest
Brest Fortress: on the territory of the complex, travelers will find the Museum of the Defense of the Brest Fortress (its exhibits are distributed in 10 halls), a 104-meter bayonet obelisk, the Eternal Flame, the ruins of the White Palace and other objects.
Alley of forged lanterns: those walking along this beautiful alley will be able to see and photograph at least 30 lanterns: some of them reflect the motives of Gogol's works (“Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”, “Dead Souls. 2 volume”), while others were created according to the intentions of enterprises, who sponsored their production (“Kuznets” from “Brestgazoapparat”, “Trader” from “Prodtovary”, “Kareta” from JV “Kurs”). It is worth noting that in the evening a real lamplighter appears here to carry out the ritual of lighting the lanterns.
What interesting places to visit in Brest?
Having studied the reviews, the guests of Brest will understand: it will be interesting for them to visit museums of saved valuables (the exposition consists of paintings, jewelry, icons, antique furniture and other items confiscated by customs officers from those who illegally tried to bring them in or take them out of Belarus), "Berestye" (its central part is occupied by an excavation - at a depth of 4 meters there are 2 pavements, ruins of adobe ovens and a craft quarter with 28 wooden residential and economic buildings of the 13th century; on both sides of the excavation there are exhibition halls with 1200 objects that will tell about how the the ancient city of Berestye, about agriculture, weaving, spinning, leatherworking) and cell phones (here you can see and touch at least 300 devices; the museum plans to hold a competition for throwing cell phones).
Those who went to the Brest Academic Drama Theater will be able to attend such productions as "The Groom for Two", "Dear Elena Sergeevna", "Black Comedy" and others.
You should not ignore the Ice Palace, where, in addition to the training base of the hockey team, visitors will find an ice rink used for free skating sessions, a gym, a sauna, and exhibition halls.
The May 1 Park of Culture and Leisure (its map and list of services are shown on the website www.brestpark.by) is a place worth going for the Jungle children's playroom, the Smoke cafe, Calypso and Mars attractions, “Tsunami”, “Safari”, “Fun Hills”, “Solnyshko”, “Orbit”, “Waltz”, “Zigzag” and others, which work even in winter (at this time in the park you can rent skates, Finnish sledges and skis), as well as for the sake of regularly held concerts of creative teams, games, competitive, physical culture and health programs.