Interesting places in Anapa

Interesting places in Anapa
Interesting places in Anapa
photo: Interesting places in Anapa
photo: Interesting places in Anapa

Interesting places in Anapa are not only the sea and the sandy beach: in the city, there is something to see. Who just left their traces here! Not far from here, Zeus chained Prometheus to a rock, and the Argonauts visited these lands while searching for the Golden Fleece …

Unusual sights of Anapa

  • Monument to Doctor Aibolit: presented in the form of a figure of Aibolit, next to which a bronze parrot and a squirrel are installed. If you believe the reviews of Anapchan, the parrot will “help” stabilize the pressure, and the squirrel will eliminate the pain in the joints (for this you need to touch the corresponding figure).
  • Russian gate: from the Turkish fortress (built in 1783), consisting of 7 bastions and 3 gates, only the eastern one - the Russian gate - has survived. In 1996, a stele was erected here with the Order For the Caucasus depicted on it.

What interesting places to visit in Anapa?


Those who decided to get to know Anapa better should visit the Local History Museum (here guests examine Circassian daggers, sabers and armor, Turkish silver and coins, various household items related to the Turkish period, documents, diagrams and photographs of the 19th century; special attention should be paid to the exposition “Made in USSR”, and to please children with a visit to the permanent exhibition“Wild West: Cowboys and Indians”), museums“Gorgippia”(an open-air excavation museum - excursionists are shown fragments of fortress walls and wells, foundations of wineries and residential buildings, and in the museum building - coins, weapons, beautiful sculptures made of marble and bronze) and “The Tree of the World” (the origami museum displays about 1500 exhibits in the form of dinosaurs, insects, birds, wedding swans and others).

The Lion's Head Castle is an ideal place for tourists who want to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Guests are invited to watch the horse show "Knight's Tournament", look into the workshops of a potter and a blacksmith, as well as a shooting gallery of Robin Hood (you can shoot from a bow or crossbow).

Those who like to ride on carousels will be interested in visiting the Sunny Island Park, where they usually come for the 7D cinema, the Labyrinth of Fear, Flying Elephants, Safari Trains, Caterpillars, CrazyDance, SamboBalloon and others attractions. And if you are not indifferent to water activities, you should take a closer look at the water park "Golden Beach", which has a children's town "Treasure Island" and labyrinths, "Small foam" descent and "Drakosha" slide), an artificial reservoir "Storm Wave", 3 pools, more than 20 slides ("Boa constrictor", "Aladdin's lamp", "Family rafting", "Knot", "Mountain stream "," Spiral "and others).