The Red Sea with its colorful corals and the majestic pyramids left over from one of the most ancient civilizations - Egypt attracts not only beach lovers, but also tourists who want to get acquainted with the amazing history that gave rise to the modern world. However, traditional guided tours do not provide an opportunity to fully experience the local flavor and do not provide enough time to see all the sights. Therefore, some tourists prefer to rent a car and master the roads in Egypt on their own.
Mountains, deserts and cities
Egyptian roads are very motley. Several types of passages in this country can be distinguished: high-speed highways connecting Cairo with such important cities as Suez, Alexandria or Luxor; roads along the coast; mountain roads.
The high-speed roads leaving Cairo were built according to European requirements and are of high quality and convenience. The absence of precipitation and cold weather allows the local road surface to stay in good condition for longer.
But the roads stretching along the coastal zone, not only often have no markings, but also look worse. Many of these paths run through uninhabited terrain, lined with unfinished hotels, which leave a depressing impression.
Roads passing through numerous mountain passes are characterized by difficult terrain and a large number of turns. It is this part of the road network that accounts for the largest number of accidents, which is also facilitated by the driving style of the local population.
Since a significant part of the territory of Egypt is a desert, in many places there are no roads as such - there are only directions indicated by well-worn ruts. However, it is not worth going to such an area without a guide, there is a risk of getting lost.
Features of behavior on the roads of Egypt
The way cars are driven in Arab countries has long been the talk of the town. And in Egypt this is especially noticeable. The only roads where drivers try to comply with traffic rules are those in tourist resort areas. It is not surprising, because here the police are especially strict about order.
The rest of the roads are in real chaos. Driving into the oncoming lane, indiscriminate rearrangements from one lane to another, risky overtaking - even the drivers of tourist buses are guilty of this. What can we say about ordinary car owners!
Cairo is especially worth noting. In this densely populated city, there are many cars, both locals and a huge flow of tourists. And the traffic on local roads resembles a chaotic Brownian movement, where each driver strives to drive as he pleases, and pedestrians desperately cross the road in the most inappropriate places, dodging cars. All this is accompanied by numerous sound signals.
Another feature of local traffic is the frequent queues at gas stations. They are formed due to the unhurried nature of the Egyptians as all southerners. Everyone who refuel considers it their duty to exchange a few words with a local worker, as a result of which the process is delayed for a long time.