Walks in Anapa

Walks in Anapa
Walks in Anapa
photo: Walks in Anapa
photo: Walks in Anapa

It is clear that walks in Anapa are not the most important thing that attracts tourists from all over the former Soviet Union here. First of all, travelers are planning to rest on the sea coast, a full range of solar, air and water procedures. And only after that, the guests go to get acquainted with the city and its sights.

To the delight of the discoverers, the resort has monuments of ancient history and culture associated with different periods of the settlement's life.

Walks in the districts of Anapa


The most inquisitive guests walk not only in the city center, but also go to the outskirts, and even more - go to explore the small villages located in the vicinity. Here, they will also find pleasant surprises and local attractions.

For example, in the resort village with the interesting name Dzhemete, you can admire the beautiful dunes. In Blagoveshchenskaya, tourists can see picturesque beaches formed as a result of natural sediments and consisting of quartz sand. The village of Supsekh demonstrates natural beauty - Lysaya and Shirokaya mountains and a spring consecrated in honor of St. Barbara.

Cultural landmarks

The guests note that there are not so many ancient monuments in Anapa, but the city is well-groomed and ennobled. The Anapa embankment, a worthy place for walking, deserves special attention. The city's nightlife and cultural attractions are concentrated here. The townspeople are especially proud of sculptures and clocks made of flowers, many monuments erected in honor of historical or fictional characters, including:

  • a monument to the genius of Russian literature, Alexander Pushkin;
  • a statue of Vladimir Budzinsky, the founder of the resort;
  • a funny monument depicting a sunbathing tourist;
  • "Monument" to the white panama - the main headdress of any vacationer.

A pleasant bonus awaits those guests who can walk the entire embankment - at the end of it there is a lighthouse with an observation deck. It offers stunning views of the city and the sea.

Lovers of more ancient history are expected by the staff of the archaeological museum, located on the territory of Gorgippia, a former ancient city, where excavations are still underway. The Ottoman period of the settlement's life is associated with the Russian Gate, which got its name after the victory of the Russian troops over the Turks. The local history museum can also tell a lot about the history of Anapa.
