Twenty years ago, only local residents knew about this urban-type settlement, which is located in the Adler district. Today, its name is on the lips of all alpine skiing fans and experts in Russian politics. The history of Krasnaya Polyana took a sharp turn after the settlement became an elite holiday destination, where presidents of different countries and prime ministers, political elite and cultural elite come.
From the settlement of medoveev to Romanovsk

Experts note that the history of Krasnaya Polyana begins with the Abkhaz, they were the first to settle in the local territories. First came the tribe of Sadz. A little later, representatives of another tribe appeared here, the so-called meadows. True, the name of the village was different - Artkuadzh. In 1864 the settlement was called Kbaade, which could be translated as "/>
In the same year, one important event took place on the territory of modern Krasnaya Polyana - the meeting of four detachments of the Russian army that participated in the Caucasian War. On the occasion of the end of hostilities, a parade of troops was held and a prayer service was served. An offer was received to name this place Romanovsk in honor of the family of the Russian emperor.
The founding date of the village of Romanovsky is 1869, then the Greeks come here looking for new fertile lands. It was thanks to them that the settlement with the old name was born. The Greek settlers quickly settled in the new lands, built houses and churches, and opened a school.
In an era of change

In 1898, these places were visited by a state commission. According to the results of the visit, a year later the village acquires the status of a city, and a year later a highway connects it with Adler. The latter fact plays an important role in the history of Krasnaya Polyana, in short - from this moment a new, important stage in the development of the future city begins.
The second interesting point is that the name Romanovsk never caught on, as if the residents had a presentiment of imminent changes in the political situation. The toponym Krasnaya Polyana was registered in all instances, the city of Romanovsk remained a dream.
Modern history
During the years of Soviet rule, Krasnaya Polyana lives with the same problems as the whole country. In 1920, an important event took place - the official approval of the name of the settlement - Krasnaya Polyana. But takeoff is still very far away.
In 1950 Krasnaya Polyana acquired a new status - an urban-type settlement, but still remains a very small and little-known settlement. The 21st century changes this situation radically - the residence of the President of Russia appears here, accordingly, the infrastructure is improving, a ski resort is being built.