History of Brest

History of Brest
History of Brest
photo: History of Brest
photo: History of Brest

The good geographical position of the settlement largely determines its development, on the other hand, there are always not too friendly neighbors nearby. The history of Brest, one of the most beautiful cities in Belarus, knows many such examples.

From Berestye to Brest

The city was first mentioned in the chronicles in 1017 under the name Berestye. The origin of the toponym is associated either with the "birch bark" tree or with birch bark. The settlement is often mentioned in the surviving ancient documents that date back to the XII-XIII centuries.

If we talk about the history of Brest briefly, then from the 17th century it has been called Brest-Litovsk, then from 1921 - Brest-nad-Bug, from 1939 (the moment of joining the BSSR) to the present day - Brest.

Medieval town

The artifacts found testify to the rapid flourishing of this settlement, crafts are developing here, there are trade and cultural ties with neighboring powers and cities. Neighbors from the West and the East have repeatedly encroached on Berestye, trying to make their city with such a convenient location. Among the successive owners of the city, the following can be noted:

  • Casimir the Just, Polish king (XII century);
  • Vladimir Vasilkovich, Volyn prince (second half of the 13th century);
  • Lithuanian prince Gediminas (1319).

The location of Brest in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is associated with the flourishing of the city, which was located at the crossroads of trade and economic routes. This is the first Belarusian city, which was granted the Magdeburg Law and the corresponding privileges.

Wars of modern times

Since the 15th century, the inhabitants of Brest have had to take part in numerous wars more than once. For example, in the Great War (1409-1411) against the Teutons, in 1500 - against the troops of the Crimean Khan. The city was repeatedly located in the zone of hostilities of the Russian-Polish war (mid-17th century), took part in the war with the Swedes (1655).

This could not but lead to sad consequences - in the second half of the 17th century, an economic recession begins, the number of residents and industrial enterprises decreases. And only 100 years later, the city begins to revive, and already as part of the Russian Empire, but before the Russian troops almost completely destroyed the city, destroyed the fortress. In fact, Brest has moved to a new location.

In the 19th century, the city is experiencing a rebirth, industry, transport are actively developing, the achievements of science and technology are used. In the twentieth century, the history of Brest continued, associated with military operations and the restoration of the city and economy after the revolutionary events and the Civil War, the First and Second World Wars.
