As a territorial entity, the Khakass Autonomous Region appeared in 1930. It was part of the West Siberian, then the Krasnoyarsk Territory, until in 1990 it became an autonomous republic with the capital Abakan, located on the river of the same name. People have settled in these places since the Bronze Age, but the history of Abakan as an urban settlement began much later.
From the origins
The year 1675 is called the official date of the emergence of a new geographical point, and the main event is the founding of the Abakan fort by Russian settlers. The basis for the current capital of Khakassia was the village of Ust-Abakanskoye, whose appearance is attributed to the end of the 18th century. This settlement in 1822 was endowed with special powers - the center of the Kachin Steppe Duma.
A hundred years later (in 1913) the village is already the center of the Ust-Abakan volost. It is possible that it would have remained at this level to this day, if not for the development of Siberia, the laying of new railway lines. In 1925, a new station appears, which opens the next page in the history of Abakan.
Bright events of the twentieth century
The second half of the 19th century is characterized by economic growth, including in Abakan, the main engine of progress is the railway. It made it possible to connect Ust-Abakansk with other cities and regions of Russia.
If we talk about the history of Abakan briefly, then the city was formed by the confluence of the village and the railway station. After the October Revolution in the 1920s, there was an active construction of residential quarters between the two settlements. In 1925 the new city of Abakan was born.
The first years of Soviet power pass under the banner of labor victories in industry and agriculture. An important step in the development of the region was the acquisition of writing by the Khakass, before that the Khakass language existed only in oral form, in this regard, there is a fight against illiteracy.
Local authorities do not forget about the indigenous population, which traditionally engaged in agriculture, hunting and fishing. But special attention is paid to the development of various industries, the following enterprises are opening in the city:
- a garment factory, which later worked for the needs of the front;
- confectionery factory;
- fur coat and tannery;
- enterprises related to the operation of the railway.
Many residents of Abakan fought in the Great Patriotic War, volunteered for the front, distinguished themselves in the liberation of the city of Pyriatyn (Ukraine), which in the post-war period became a twin city of the Siberian Abakan.