Only once, however, for sixty years, this ancient Russian city changed its name. The history of Tver, and from 1931 to 1990. - Kalinin, is inseparable from the history of the Russian state.
Historians call the date of formation of the settlement in 1135, a century later the city becomes the center of the principality, with all the ensuing consequences.
Time of war and peace
The Tver principality during the Tatar-Mongol yoke was one of the most active centers of resistance. The largest uprising of local residents, which is mentioned in the annals, took place in 1327. In addition, Tver acted as a kind of rival to Moscow in the struggle for political influence in the territory of North-Eastern Russia.
In 1304, when Prince Mikhail received a label for the Grand Duchy, Tver acquired a high position - the capital of the Russian lands. This continued until 1327, until the next blow was struck by the Tatar-Mongols, and Moscow has always sought to occupy a dominant position. All this weakened the strength of the city as a political and economic center.
During the XIV-XV centuries, Tver was one of the large economically and culturally developed cities. But at the end of the 15th century, it finally loses its position, it is part of the Moscow state, and later, respectively, of Russia. The history of Tver becomes a part of the history of the country.
The Time of Troubles brought more troubles for Tver and the people of Tver, the Polish-Lithuanian troops completely destroyed the city in 1612. It took the townspeople almost a century to regain their lost positions and restore their economic potential.
Positive changes came with the arrival of the 18th century, they were associated with the activities of Peter I, the activation of the townspeople themselves. This century is characterized in the history of Tver as a period of rapid development of industry and architecture.
Not only in the 18th century the city developed and improved, progress continued in the next, 19th century. The following significant events for Tver can be noted:
- construction of a railway line connecting Tver and Moscow (1851);
- opening of three textile factories (1850–1860);
- the opening of schools, gymnasiums, real schools (second half of the 19th century);
- construction of a bridge across the Volga (1901);
- the emergence of electricity, running water, telephone communications.
All this contributed to the industrial and cultural development of Tver, the growing role of the city in the economy of the Russian Empire. The same can be said about the history of Tver in the 20th century. Today Tver is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia.