Health tours to Karelia

Health tours to Karelia
Health tours to Karelia
photo: Health tours to Karelia
photo: Health tours to Karelia

Those who rely on health tours to Karelia will be able to relax, being surrounded by forests and cleanest lakes, as well as gain strength and improve their health through special procedures.

Features of health-improving rest in Karelia

Travelers who have gone to Karelia for health will be able to experience a unique approach to treatment used by local doctors. They successfully combine natural recovery (outdoor activities + walks) with drug therapy (the sanatoriums boast modern imported and domestic equipment). All this makes it possible to improve the well-being of patients and trigger self-healing mechanisms. In addition, a visit to the Republic will allow everyone to provide their body with the necessary vitamins for a long time, while eating natural wild berries.

Popular health resorts in Karelia

  • Marcial Waters: the resort welcomes people who have problems with blood circulation, musculoskeletal system, nervous and genitourinary systems. It also offers to take advantage of rehabilitation programs that allow you to quickly recuperate (indications - stress and overwork). For this purpose, climatotherapy, valuable therapeutic mud, mineral water from various sources are actively used (water for treatment is selected based on the pathologies existing in patients). It is worth considering that the water in local springs is very cold, and you should not drink it without using a straw, so that iron, which is part of it, does not settle on your teeth. The guests of the resort are recommended to stay in the sanatorium of the same name or “Palaces” sanatorium. Each of them has massage departments, drinking pump rooms, balneological departments (carbon dioxide, whirlpool, herbal, pearl and other baths are especially popular), herbal bars, swimming pools, physiotherapy rooms, inhalers and other departments. The basis of the treatment is Gabozero mud (sapropel mud enriched with iron sulfides - it has a beneficial effect on muscle tone, stimulates regenerative processes, is used as a remedy for pain and inflammation) and mineral waters, as well as the healing stone shungite is actively used.
  • Petrozavodsk: rest and treatment in sanatoriums and boarding houses, both in Petrozavodsk itself and not far from it, is recommended at any time of the year. Here it is worth taking a closer look at the sanatorium "White Klyuchi" - it has a shungite room, mud and hydropathic establishments (medicinal baths and saunas, swimming pools). It should be noted that for the treatment of neurology, diseases of the skin, joints and other diseases, the therapeutic agent "Tonus Plus" is used here (it consists of essential oils, salt carriers, plant extracts, extracts from mud) - applications, rubdowns, baths, wraps are made with it and other procedures.
