UK resorts

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UK resorts
UK resorts

Video: UK resorts

Video: UK resorts
Video: 10 Best Seaside Resorts in the UK 2024, July
photo: Resorts of Great Britain
photo: Resorts of Great Britain

Foggy Albion is not always covered with hazy smog, and in a certain season thousands of people who want to soak up the sun on the beaches of the serene English Riviera flock to British resorts.

Located on the southwestern tip of the island of Great Britain, this resort area is famous for its special natural beauty and is even listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Two dozen miles of immaculate sandy coastline abound with picturesque coves, secluded bays and rocky cliffs, and the unique microclimate allows even tropical trees to grow on this coast.

Always in the TOP

Seaside resorts in Great Britain are united into a single beach area, once loved by Agatha Christie. It was here that the famous writer drew plots for her fascinating novels. However, the situation on the beaches of the English Riviera does not at all evoke any detective associations today:

  • The city of Torquay is so reminiscent of Mediterranean resorts that its guests do not immediately remember that they have moored to the shores of Foggy Albion. A place of rest for the London aristocracy in the century before last, today this resort in Great Britain is very popular among fans of a cool climate, calm seascapes and a sedate relationship between people, seasoned with the comfort and harsh coziness of typical English hotels.
  • More active travelers prefer to stay in Payton, because its embankments and squares often become the venue for various holidays, festivals, carnivals and even sailing regattas. The abundance of organic food choices at the local store are a magnet for healthy lifestyle enthusiasts to Payton's beaches, and the special attention to children makes the resort a favorite for couples with toddlers.
  • For those heading for Brixham, the top priority is fish restaurants. Traditionally, the locals were fishing, and therefore local chefs specialize in seafood dishes. The port in Brixham is the center of active life and a variety of recreational activities. However, local beaches, like others on the English Riviera, are clean and livable.

Welcome to Wales

The Blue Flag on the Isle of Anglesey is a sure sign that you are in one of the best resorts in the UK. The superb clean sand beaches of Benleh are ideal for families, and the B & Bs make this resort an affordable destination for the traveler of all levels.
