Cost of living in Spain

Cost of living in Spain
Cost of living in Spain

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photo: Cost of living in Spain
photo: Cost of living in Spain

Only the laziest tourist does not dream of a vacation in Spain, which has yet to be reached. But the travel time flies by instantly, and now majestic Madrid, fiery Barcelona and resorts on the coast shrouded in a blue haze appear before the astonished tourist. The cost of living in Spain captivates at first glance, many have a dream about buying an apartment somewhere on the beautiful sea coast. Another part of tourists is ready to rest here every year, only changing hotels and resort towns in search of new experiences and discoveries.

According to experts who know exactly where you can find the pros and cons of hotels, Spain is one of the best European countries in this regard: most of the hotels are famous for the quality of service and the highest service, warm welcome and care for guests.

Resorts of Spain

According to experts who know exactly where to find the pros and cons of hotels, Spain is one of the best European countries in this regard. Most of the hotels are famous for the quality of service and the highest service, warm welcome and care.

At the same time, each Spanish resort has a certain specificity that helps to satisfy the dreams and aspirations of any category of guests arriving on vacation. For example, hotels in the Costa Dorada resort on the island of Tenerife are the most suitable for a family pastime. Modest hostels will pay 20 euros per day, the cost of a single room in a 2 * hotel increases to 25-30 euros, the same room, but in a 4 * hotel - already 220-250 euros.

Young people prefer to relax on the islands of Ibiza, Mallorca (the famous Palma de Mallorca), as well as in the resorts of the Costa Brava. For this category of tourists, the number of stars on the facade of the hotel and the level do not matter much. But it is important that there are many entertainment venues nearby, such as restaurants, dance floors and the like. The cost of single rooms in Mallorca starts from 20 euros per day (a modest 1-2 * hotel), goes up to 150 euros (4 * hotels). Apartments can be found at the same cost.

Tourists of the VIP category prefer a luxurious vacation in the paradise Canary Islands, as well as in the Costa del Sol resort. There are hostels for 20 euros per night, apartments for 100-150 euros, luxury villas, the cost of a daily stay in which is 400-500 euros, and yachts, the night on which is estimated at about 1500-2000 euros. Many of the travelers go beyond the beach and resort activities. They plan to visit ancient Spanish cities, Madrid or Barcelona, Granada and Valencia.

Hotel types

Spain's economy is focused on the tourism business, so there are many different types of places to stay for tourists and guests of the country, including with a local flavor that is not found anywhere else in the world:

  • a guesthouse, which is a private family hotel;
  • a country estate converted into a hotel;
  • city family hotel with its cordiality and comfort;
  • villa with court, pool and playground;
  • apartments with modest service and very affordable prices.

What exactly a guest in Spain will choose depends on many reasons, including the purpose of the trip, time and place of stay, finances, personal preferences.
