Treatment in Armenia

Treatment in Armenia
Treatment in Armenia
photo: Treatment in Armenia
photo: Treatment in Armenia

The Armenians consider their country to be one continuous sanatorium, and their confidence is not based on empty space. In the country of stones and apricots, everything is considered curative - from spring water to the purest mountain air, and therefore treatment in Armenia is possible even during an ordinary excursion tour. For the initiated, there is nothing better than the Armenian resorts, where some old-fashionedness, inherited from the Soviet times, is more than compensated by the incomparable hospitality of people with the most tender hearts.

Important rules

It is not easy to go to Armenia for treatment, but very simple. It is enough to consult with the attending physician to exclude possible contraindications and take a medical history that will help the doctors of Armenian health resorts to quickly and correctly choose a medical program.

How do they help here?

The country boasts a whole range of curative factors that together work wonders and put even hopeless patients on their feet. Hypothermal mineral waters in the resorts of Armenia have a unique chemical composition. The correct selection of diet, physiotherapy and manual procedures, healing baths and irrigation - in the arsenal of doctors in Armenia, not only a good word, but also the most modern methods of examination and treatment.

Methods and achievements

The names of the main resorts in Armenia have always been heard by connoisseurs of real Caucasian hospitality:

  • "Hot spring" in Armenian means the name of the resort Dzhemruk. The sanatorium zone of the city is an ideal place for treatment in Armenia, and the list of diseases that local doctors successfully fight against is impressive even for those who have been "on the waters" at prestigious European resorts. The drinking gallery of Jemruk consists of several springs, from which you need to walk in a circle and drink healing water. Sanatoriums in this part of Armenia are recommended for patients with gastrointestinal problems, diabetes, joint pathologies and gynecological inflammations.
  • The best advertisement for the water of Dilijan was made by the hero of Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the film "Mimino", and he was not so far from the truth. Even tuberculosis is treated in the sanatoriums of the resort, and simply taking a course of health procedures here is like being born again.

Issue price

One day's stay in the sanatoriums of Armenia starts from $ 50, depending on the type of the selected room. This price includes three meals a day and medical procedures prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the chosen course of treatment.
