The capital of Ukraine, the beautiful city of Kiev, is always hospitable and ready to tasty food not only for its residents, but also for millions of tourists who come to see its sights. Now you can find many restaurants here, where the main menu includes exotic oriental dishes and famous European dishes, but some of the restaurants have retained the Ukrainian flavor, still delighting with delicious borscht, dumplings and dumplings.
Like a fairytale
Hearing the name of the restaurant - "Koza Dereza", not a single guest of Kiev can pass by. The main menu is dishes prepared by Ukrainian villagers, and the concept is based on environmentally friendly products.
Who refuses to taste the famous dumplings, cabbage rolls, shanks, the same dumplings (the size of a good pie) or casseroles in a whole baking sheet. And the interior of the Ukrainian hut-hut will make you feel like a blacksmith Vakula or the legendary Pan Patsyuk, to whom dumplings themselves jumped into his mouth. The guests, of course, can try on the roles of the beautiful Oksana.
Back to USSR
A restaurant with a funny name "Spotykach" will help you return to the Soviet past. This restaurant has restored the atmosphere of the distant 1960s, during the reign of the corn lover Nikita Khrushchev. The atmosphere of old apartments has been recreated with reproductions of famous paintings on the walls and early recordings by Sofia Rotaru.
The menu contains familiar, favorite dishes, including the entire New Year's assortment of an ordinary Soviet resident:
- salad "Olivier" with peas and boiled sausage;
- delicious herring under a beetroot-mayonnaise coat;
- potato pancakes (Ukrainian version of grated potato pancakes);
- aromatic baked ribs and homemade sausage.
The restaurant fully justifies its name - the famous drinks, which are served in abundance at the table, will make even a very alcohol-resistant person stumble.
Over the seas, over the waves
The visitors of the Barkas restaurant seem to be preparing to set sail for unknown distant shores. Firstly, the establishment is located on the waterfront. Secondly, the appropriate interiors have been created: a lot of wood, aquariums with live sterlet, fishing accessories, photographs of seascapes.
The menu of the Barkas restaurant is dominated by fish dishes. Among the specialties are exquisite sterlet in champagne, flounder and salmon, lamb and duck leg. Any whim of the client will be fulfilled by top class chefs.
In the capital of Ukraine, the glorious city of Kiev, you can find restaurants for all tastes and aromas!