Tourism in Israel

Tourism in Israel
Tourism in Israel
photo: Tourism in Israel
photo: Tourism in Israel

Despite the high air temperatures in summer and strong winds in winter, thousands of tourists head to the promised land to touch the ancient history, look at the holy places for every Christian, try to plunge into the Dead Sea and test the rejuvenating effect of its salts and mud.

And even conflicts on the border of the Christian and Arab world cannot affect tourism in Israel and reduce the number of visitors to the country. The names of Israeli cities invite you to immerse yourself in the magic of history and follow the paths of famous people of the past.

Safety comes first

In Israel, where people of different nationalities, religions and skin colors live, you should be very careful in your statements so as not to inadvertently offend or offend any of the local residents.

Another moment, characteristic only for Israel, is “Shabbat”, Saturday rest, when practically no shopping or entertainment establishment is open, it is difficult to find a taxi car or wait for a bus. On such a day, travel around the country should be limited, especially to religious centers.

In memory of Israel

The jewelry industry is the first thing that every tourist who is going to buy souvenirs for his relatives remembers. Gold and silver jewelry for women and men will be the best gift for close relatives.

Women will undoubtedly appreciate cosmetic products based on magical minerals, gifts from the Dead Sea. From the products - the most popular Israeli wines of excellent taste and quality, as well as spices.

Popular excursions

The people of Israel have great respect for the historical monuments inherited from previous generations and civilizations. There are monumental cities that every true Christian dreams of visiting, including:

  • Bethlehem, who gave life to Jesus Christ, a city illuminated at that magical moment by the light of a guiding star;
  • sacred Nazareth, where Christ's childhood passed and witnesses of miracles performed by him were preserved, for example, Roman reservoirs, or rather, their remains, the water from which he turned into wine;
  • Jerusalem, where Christ's earthly path ended on Calvary and His life continued in eternity.

There are also lesser-known tourist centers, which also have many attractions and iconic points on the map. For example, the largest port in Israel is Haifa, where religious buildings that belonged to Christians, Jews and Muslims have been preserved. Or the town of Akko, in the historical center of which the so-called city of the Crusaders has survived, as well as the bastions and walls of the citadel, mosques and monasteries.