Tours to Moscow

Tours to Moscow
Tours to Moscow
photo: Tours to Moscow
photo: Tours to Moscow

White-stone and the Port of the Five Seas, the Third Rome and the Golden-Domed … Moscow at all times was also called the heart of Russia, a symbol of its independence and the pride of the country. Going on a tour to Moscow means not only getting to know the sights of the capital, but also imbuing with its spirit - business, modern, dynamic.

Briefly about the important

  • Arriving in the capital of Russia, do not rush to catch a taxi. From all railway stations you can quickly and cheaply get to a hotel or other destination by metro, and from airports - by trains "/> Hotels in the capital of Russia exist for every budget - from cheap hostels to luxury hotels of all well-known world lines. It is worth choosing housing not in the center, where prices bite, but in the immediate vicinity of the metro station. This way you can significantly save both time and money.
  • The historical center of the capital is an open-air museum. Here you can walk for a long time, looking at old houses and mansions.
  • A visit to the museums of the capital should be preceded by a study of their Internet sites. Firstly, it contains complete information about opening hours and ongoing exhibitions, and secondly, in some of them you can buy tickets there without a live queue.
  • The optimal time for a tour to Moscow is late spring and early summer or the first weeks of autumn. The weather at this time indulges in pleasant warmth, rains are unlikely, the temperature difference in the metro and on the streets is minimal. This will allow you to move around the city with great comfort and enjoy sightseeing.
  • Going for a walk to the capital's museums-estates, it is worth taking lunch with you. In such places, the quality of food and prices still leave much to be desired, and the queues can completely discourage the desire for a bite to eat.

Festivals and Holidays


Various events are often held in the capital, within the framework of which exhibitions and festivals are held. Having booked a tour to Moscow on the first Saturday of September, you can take part in the City Day celebrations, and by visiting Belokamennaya at the end of June, you can watch the latest films presented to the public and the jury at the Moscow International Film Festival. At the end of August every odd year, Zhukovsky outside Moscow hosts the International Aviation and Space Salon, a visit to which can be included in the program of a tour to Moscow.
