Holidays in Italy

Holidays in Italy
Holidays in Italy
photo: Holidays in Italy
photo: Holidays in Italy

Holidays in Italy take pride of place in the life of Italians: in almost all cities hundreds of festivals take place every year, in which they take part with great joy.

Holidays and festivals in Italy

  • New Year: on the night of January 1, Italians prefer to have fun, celebrating the New Year in restaurants or nightclubs with friends. But those who just decide to walk along the streets will not be bored, because on the squares you can take part in theatrical performances, watch concerts and pyrotechnic shows.
  • Battle of the Oranges: This carnival lasts for 3 days in the town of Ivrea (province of Turin). Citizens who have joined one of 9 teams can take part in this duel (you can't just throw oranges like that). It should be noted that despite the fact that annually after the "fight" about 150 participants receive bruises and injuries, this does not stop anyone from participating in the "battle". In honor of the closing ceremony of the carnival, a huge straw pillar is set on fire - it is believed that the higher the flame of the fire rises, the happier life will be.
  • Day of the founding of Rome (April 21): in honor of the holiday, a colorful festival is organized, a symbolic ceremony of opening the gates of the city, the "Goddess of Rome" competition (girls 18-30 years old are allowed to participate), presentations of students in the Roman school of gladiators.
  • “Pink Night”: every year in late June - early July in Rimini, the city streets are decorated with pink ribbons and balloons, guests and residents of the city dress in this delicate color and drink pink martini or champagne, and even the water on the beaches turns pink with the help of special lasers. At midnight, fireworks are launched into the sky, as well as beach discos, exhibitions, performances, and competitions.

Event tourism in Italy

Italy is a paradise for fans of event tourism: people come here to visit Carnivals, Football Championships, Film Festivals, Arts and Dance Festivals, and other international events.

So, you should definitely come here for the Venice Festival. The beginning of the holiday is signaled by the appearance on St. Mark's Square of a white paper dove (Columbine), which is blown up in flight and confetti raining out of it. In order for you to be lucky in financial affairs for a whole year, you should try to catch at least one colored ball, and then put it in your wallet. For two weeks, the city does not stop the fun, accompanied by theatrical performances, performances of jugglers, sword swallowers, acrobats, mimes, snake charmers, massive fun with music and dancing.

To join a fancy-dress masquerade ball in one of the ancient palaces, it is advisable to get a mask and a carnival costume. It is worth noting that kids can also take part in the festivities, for example, in the Children's Carnival. Well, the Venice Carnival ends with a ritual, during which a straw effigy (a symbol of the renewal of nature) is burned and mass dances are organized on St. Mark's Square.

Throughout the year in Italy, colorful bright holidays and festivals take place, attracting the attention of a huge number of tourists.
