UAE cruises

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UAE cruises
UAE cruises

Video: UAE cruises

Video: UAE cruises
Video: Dubai: A new global hub for the cruise ship industry 2024, July
photo: Cruises in the UAE
photo: Cruises in the UAE

The United Arab Emirates is known among the tourist fraternity as a country of all "very-very". Skyscrapers are taller and sleeker than others, fountains are more musical, and cars are faster. Unsurprisingly, UAE cruises are among the top tourist destinations.

A few decades ago, the UAE was a desert in which only mirages could tell a casual traveler about beautiful gardens and greenhouses, fountains and swimming pools, hotels and villas. Today, in the desert, in one of the hottest places on the planet, beautiful cities have sprung up, reminiscent of shots from science fiction films.

Constellation of emirates


Tourists are accustomed to the world fame of Dubai, and almost every traveler can list its attractions. But cruises in the UAE are other cities in which no less masterpieces and unique buildings have been created:

  • Abu Dhabi is not just the capital of the country, but also the greenest emirate. The city is famous for its gardens and parks, which will appear before guests during a sightseeing tour. The most luxurious building in Abu Dhabi is the Sheikh Zayed Palace, and the mosque erected in his honor claims to be one of the largest and most beautiful in the world.
  • Sharjah is an emirate called the cultural capital of the UAE. The medieval fortress of Beit Al Nabuda, restored by the efforts of restorers, adorns the historic center of the city, and the colorful eastern market of Al Arsa Souk shows visitors endless rows of shops with spices and aromatic oils, leather goods and jewelry treasures.

UAE Resorts

Night dubai

Among the varied programs of cruises in the UAE, the option of sailing on a yacht on the bay at night in the Dubai area is especially popular. The event includes a dinner on board and a music program with oriental dances. The views from a cruise ship to Dubai at night are admirable: the panorama of the city looks unrealistically beautiful, the lights of skyscrapers and street lights make the landscape unreal and fantastic.

Cruises in the UAE provide an opportunity to do interesting and profitable shopping. All shopping centers in the country are open almost around the clock, offering jewelry and furs, electronics and watches, shoes and clothes of excellent quality at reasonable prices. The shopping process becomes especially exciting during the Christmas sales. The world's largest shopping mall is located in Dubai, which is not surprising for "/>

