The history of winemaking in Azerbaijan is at least seven thousand years old. This is the conclusion reached by archaeologists who discovered grape seeds during the excavation of the historical monument of Somupete on the territory of the country. The ancient culture of winemaking in these lands is confirmed by both historical annals and legends of the people. Over the centuries, the wines of Azerbaijan have only become thinner and more valuable, and therefore their popularity among connoisseurs remains invariably high.
History with geography
Winemaking in Azerbaijan has been severely tested more than once. The first blow happened when Islam spread throughout the country. The Muslim religion did not welcome the making of wine and its use, and therefore the varieties that were used in the manufacture of wine were almost universally exterminated.
For the second time, the wine industry in Azerbaijan was literally cut down by the roots during the anti-alcohol campaign in the 80s of the last century. Unique varieties of vines perished under the axes of fighters against drunkenness, and even decades later, the country's winemaking cannot recover from the consequences of those years.
The largest region where wines of Azerbaijan are produced today is the Kura Valley. Fruits of the Tavkveri and Bayan varieties are grown here, from which ordinary red and white wines, ports and Cahors are made. Dry white wines made from Bayan fruits are simple and light. Their bouquet is softly expressed fruit and berry notes. Tavkveri provides raw materials for making red table wine with a light tannin flavor and a harmonious aroma of raspberries and blackberries.
Where to go on a wine tour?
A trip to wine tours to Azerbaijan is a good alternative to a traditional beach vacation or sightseeing. The most interesting, in terms of winemaking, regions of Azerbaijan:
- Shemakha region of the country, where the main product is red table wines of Azerbaijan. They are characterized by a special velvety and intense color, and oenologists often compare them with the best wines of France.
- Kurdamir, among the wines of which the first place rightfully belongs to the sweet dessert "Beni Carlo". This brand is famous for its rich taste and takes pride of place in the list of the best vintage wines.
- Kirovabad region is famous for wines made from Saperavi and Matras varieties. Not at all inferior to the Georgian "Saperavi", the Azerbaijani version is distinguished by a luxurious aftertaste and aroma.