Provinces of Japan

Provinces of Japan
Provinces of Japan
photo: Provinces of Japan
photo: Provinces of Japan

The well-known state is located in the most eastern part of Asia, but it is the first to greet the rising sun, and it starts the new year and the working day earlier than anyone else. This country differs in its philosophy, history, culture even from the neighboring states.

Many tourists visit the former provinces of Japan, now called prefectures, to discover the unknown world of ancient culture and modern high-tech city.

Yamato Country

One of the former historical provinces of Japan is now part of Nara Prefecture. As an administrative unit, it was formed in the 6th century, and its center was considered the capital of the state. Thanks to such a fortunate coincidence, many Buddhist temples were erected on the territory of Yamato.

Another attraction of the prefecture are Shinto shrines, which are called jinja and are actively visited by Japanese and foreign guests. Among the important cultural sites worthy of inclusion in tourist routes: national parks; cultural monuments of Buddhists.

Second capital

The next capital after Nara was the city of Kyoto, which was part of the Yamashiro province. Today this place has lost the title of the main city of the country, however, it is still in the center of attention of guests. A lot of Japanese tourists come to Kyoto.

Temples that seem to arise from air or water and have a unique architecture, parks and gardens, integral attributes of palace complexes - complete harmony of nature and the work of talented hands. Homeland of the Kabuki theater, Kyoto is still ready to showcase the best performances today. In addition, the city is famous for the latest geisha schools, they still operate here.

There will be a city here …

The last capital of Japan is Tokyo, this is where most foreign tourists come. From here they begin their most interesting routes. But in the city itself there are many interesting places and monuments, so you can not rush to leave the capital, but, on the contrary, get to know better.

Ancient houses built of wood, temples and parks are carefully preserved in the city. In public and private museums, art galleries, exhibition centers, unique art objects, historical artifacts are preserved. In the city center, tourists will be greeted by the beautiful Imperial Palace, the former residence of the shoguns. Twice a year, visitors to Japan, like the locals, can get inside. Many people specifically buy tickets to see the closed life of the palace.
