Many of the countries located in the tropics or subtropics require a more careful approach to the choice of the time of the visit from the tourist. According to many experts in the travel industry and their clients, a vacation in Israel in May is the best choice. The last spring month in this country is good in terms of climate and weather conditions.
Weather forecasts
The weather in May favors a comfortable stay in all respects. Israeli May corresponds to July in central Russia: sunny and dry, with little or no rain. The ambient temperature in Tel Aviv and Netanya is within + 24C °… + 27C °, by the evening it drops by 2-3 degrees. Jerusalem also meets with rather warm weather, but warm blouses or sweaters are required by night because of the rising wind. It's always cooler in Haifa.
Israel in May pleases tourists with greenery and exotic flowers, it is here that you can enjoy the magnificent spectacle of scarlet poppies. Mountains and plains turn into a solid blooming carpet, which by the end of the month will have faded a little.
May rest
The sky, the sun, and the warm Israeli seas - all contribute to bliss and relaxation. The swimming season has long been open, and the heat has not yet come, which is actively used by local residents and guests of the country.
Vacationers should remember that the Mediterranean Sea is not very calm at this time. The waves can be quite large, which can be very unpleasant for vacationers with children. If Tel Aviv is chosen for recreation, then in the area of the yacht club there are breakwaters and much less winds.
In Netanya, you should choose hotels that are closer to the elevator, which takes tourists directly to the beach in a cozy and quiet bay. Many beaches offer water activities, including jet skis, parasailing, banana rides.
Even more pleasant is the rest on the Red Sea, which absolutely calmly looks at the crowds of divers descending to hunt for its beauty. This sea is the leader in the number of species of marine fauna and the variety of underwater landscapes.
The Dead Sea attracts tourists, but resting here is not entirely convenient. It is better to choose another place for a beach pastime, and come here for an excursion. The sea is so salty that it is recommended to enter it only for those people who have no injuries or scratches. Therefore, one day is enough to try to dive to the bottom of the Dead Sea, take a peloid mud bath, and purchase wonderful local cosmetics.