In terms of scope, the Atlantic Ocean is second only to the Pacific. Its dimensions are impressive, and the average depth is 3700 m. The deepest point is 8742 m. The Atlantic Ocean has such seas as the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Baltic, Black, Azov, Adriatic, etc. The salinity of the water in this ocean is 35 ppm.
A bit of history
The Atlantic Ocean got its name from the sunken island - the legendary Atlantis. According to another theory, the ocean was named after the ancient Greek character Atlanta. At various times, Phoenicians, Normans, Vikings, ships of Columbus and Krusenstern sailed in its waters. The seabed was first studied in 1779. Thorough research began in 1803. At that time, the first map of the Atlantic Ocean was drawn up.
Oceanic features
The famous islands are located in it: British, Iceland, Canary, Falkland and others. The largest ports are Hamburg, Genoa, London, Boston, Rotterdam, New York, St. Petersburg and others.
Water temperature varies depending on the ocean area and season. In the equator, it is about 26 degrees, and in the coastal region of North America, the temperature does not rise above +7 degrees. The coast of the Atlantic Ocean is heavily indented. Its coastline forms numerous bays and seas. Many rivers flow into this ocean. Another feature of it is that the bottom has a complex relief. The Atlantic Ocean occupies a significant part of the planet, so the climate in different parts of it is heterogeneous. The weather is influenced by the poles and strong currents. In the west of the ocean, the water is much warmer than in the east. This is due to the warm Gulf Stream.
The Atlantic Ocean is distinguished by a diverse flora and fauna. The tropics are inhabited by sea urchins, sharks, parrotfish, dolphins, etc. In the northern regions there are seals, whales, and seals. The commercial fish are salmon, herring and cod. More than half of the world's tuna, cod, sardine and herring production comes from the Atlantic Ocean. Until now, the ocean floor remains poorly studied. Little is known about the life of the inhabitants of the abyss.
The Atlantic Ocean guarantees a varied vacation, as its waters wash the shores of different countries. A tourist can choose a resort based on personal preference and budget. The best beaches of the Atlantic Ocean are known all over the world. These include the Canary and Portuguese beaches, as well as the beaches of South Africa.