Jordan Sea

Jordan Sea
Jordan Sea
photo: Sea of Jordan
photo: Sea of Jordan

Located in the Middle East, Jordan is famous for its pink city of Petra, carved into the rocks by ancient Nabateans. And the country is also known for its resorts, which made the seas of Jordan special and unlike any others in the world. The territory of the kingdom has access to the Red Sea and borders Israel along the Dead Sea, where modern hotels and hotel complexes are located.

By the lowest sea

When asked which sea washes Jordan, the researchers of the World Ocean will answer - the lowest of all existing on the planet. Its shores are located at 427 meters below sea level, and the reservoir is essentially a drainless lake. The Dead Sea is known for its unique medicinal properties, its mud and salt are the basis of the treatment programs of local health resorts and sanatoriums.

Interesting Facts:

  • The salt content in the waters of the Dead Sea is several times higher than in other bodies of water. For comparison, the concentration of minerals in the Mediterranean Sea is ten times less.
  • Such salinity is inherent in the waters of several more lakes on the planet, but the chemical composition of the water of the Jordan Sea allows for such a noticeable therapeutic effect. The high concentration of bromides makes water and vapor especially valuable for the treatment of many dermatological, respiratory and orthopedic diseases.
  • Due to the high degree of mineralization, practically no living organisms can exist in the reservoir, which is why the sea was called Dead.
  • The deepest place is at around 306 meters, and the length of the reservoir exceeds 60 km.
  • The Dead Sea is shallowing, and its water level decreases by almost a meter every year. The reason is that human activities cause irreparable harm to the ecological situation on the shores of the Jordan Sea.

The unique nature reserve Mujib is located on the shores of the Dead Sea. More than a hundred species of birds and several hundred species of plants inhabiting here make this national park an attractive tourist destination. Those who have come to the Dead Sea for medical treatment need not worry about the right season. From May to November, the water temperature is kept within the range of +23 - +28 degrees, and in winter it does not drop below +22.

When asked which seas in Jordan are more suitable for a beach holiday in its classical sense, travel agencies answer - the Red Sea and its Gulf of Aqaba, where the main resorts and hotels are located.
