Siberia is immense and amazes everyone who comes here for the first time, with its vastness, majestic nature, amazing people and the beauty of these places. One of the most interesting places in this region can be called Tobolsk without exaggeration. And if you are here for the first time, then you cannot imagine a better way to get to know the city than excursions in Tobolsk. Moreover, there are plenty of them at the services of tourists and guests of the city, because the history of this city is multifaceted and interesting.
Tobolsk is also called the angel of Siberia. And such a name was given to him for a reason, tk. there are many churches and temples preserved here, and monasteries are located in the vicinity of the city. We can say that here is the concentration of the Russian faith of this region. Believers will be interested in a bus tour of the lower and upper cities with a visit to the Sophia five-domed cathedral, the churches of Zacharias and Elizabeth, Michael the Archangel, the Polish church, the bell tower, which is the main belfry of Siberia … You will go up to the observation deck, from where a majestic panorama opens. There is another interesting excursion called Spiritual Tobolsk. In addition to the above Orthodox shrines, you can get acquainted with:
- theological seminary;
- Intercession Cathedral;
- the Church of the Seven Youths;
- the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh;
- Church of Peter and Paul.
On this excursion, you will see the Holy Gates, the Holy Cross Church, the bell tower of the Uglich bell. Already one listing of spiritual shrines suggests that this city really, like an angel of heaven, protects the whole of Siberia, because prayers here are raised to God in many places at the same time.
You can also go on a bus excursion to Abalak to touch the history of this region, visit the Ioanno-Vvedensky and Znamensky monasteries, venerate the Abalak icon of the Mother of God, visit Isker - the capital of the Siberian Khanate.
Tobolsk is also known for the fact that many Decembrists served exile here. For those who are interested in history, an excursion "In the footsteps of the Decembrists" is organized with a visit to the zavalny cemetery.
Siberia has long been famous for its craftsmen and craftsmen. What did the locals not know how to do! During the excursion, it is planned to visit modern enterprises: a petrochemical plant and a fish processing plant. Tourists will also be interested in acquaintance with a pottery workshop and a bone-carving factory. You will also visit an icon-painting workshop, visit an art museum, admire the beauty of fur products in the Sobol salon.
Very interesting sightseeing tours in Tobolsk, which are specially conducted for schoolchildren, pilgrims, lovers of antiquity. If you are traveling with children, do not miss the opportunity to send them on the Treasure Hunters excursion, where they will answer questions and search for the treasure. Each age category has its own routes and special topics that meet their interests.