The population of France is over 64 million.
On the territory of modern France, traces of the presence of primitive tribes (the Middle Paleolithic era) were found, and the remains of people (Neanderthals) were found in the caves of the Dordogne, Tarne, Charente and other French lands.
Throughout history, France has been inhabited by different peoples, and thanks to the mixture of different ethnic groups, the modern population of the country is divided into 3 groups - North European (Baltic), Central European (Alpine) and South European (Mediterranean).
National composition:
- French people;
- Alsatians;
- Bretons;
- Flemings;
- Catalans.
On average, 107 people live per 1 km2, but in Paris, Lyon and in the north of the country, 300-500 people live per 1 km2, and only 20 people live in mountainous regions and in areas with marginal soils.
The state language is French. This language is spoken by almost all residents of the country, with the exception of western Brittany - here the population also speaks Breton.
Major cities: Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Lille.
Most of the inhabitants of France are Catholics, although there are also Muslims, Protestants, and Jews in the country.
Life span
The average life expectancy of the male population is 77 years, and the female population is 84 years.
The high indicator of life expectancy is explained by the fact that residents of France began to drink less compared to residents of Estonia, the Czech Republic and Ireland. In addition, they began to smoke 4 times less than Russians and there are not so many obese people among them (12, 9%).
With regard to health care costs, the French government allocates approximately $ 4,000 per year for 1 person.
An important role in the high life expectancy of the population is played by the country's achievements in the treatment of cancer and heart diseases.
Traditions and customs of the inhabitants of France
Of great interest are wedding traditions, according to which the bride should cry on her wedding day and even try to escape from the crown.
During a festive dinner, newlyweds should not kiss or touch each other. But in modern society this tradition is no longer respected, and after the wedding ceremony, the young, as a rule, immediately go on a honeymoon trip.
As for family traditions, a man is an authority in the family, and, for example, the duties of a mother-in-law include monitoring the behavior of a daughter-in-law. In addition, the mother-in-law should give her advice on raising children.
In general, in France, parents strictly control their children, so not everyone decides to take, for example, some thing or a car from the garage without the permission of their father or mother.
The French love to celebrate the holidays. The most favorite is the New Year. On this occasion, a parade is held in the country, accompanied by a 2-day colorful show, which ends near the Eiffel Tower.
If, during your stay in the country, you receive an invitation from a Frenchman to lunch, then keep in mind that it starts at 20:00, so you must come by this time.