A trip to the USA is a dream of many Russian children. There are many interesting and unusual things in this country. A great opportunity to get to know life in the USA is a trip to a children's camp.
US camp level
Today there are more than ten thousand camps for children in the country. The best of them are accredited by the American Camp Association. This means that the camp is at the highest level. Safety, vibrant events and comfortable conditions for children are guaranteed there.
Children's camps in the USA that meet quality standards are a great vacation and a lot of interesting activities. They offer varied and quality programs for children of all ages. American camps have no equal in terms of service level, especially when compared with Russian ones. The only drawback of travel packages to the United States is their high cost. They are affordable for people with an upper middle income.
Features of American camps
Children's centers are scattered throughout the country. You can choose to camp on the shores of the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean. The climatic conditions in the northern parts of the United States are rather harsh, so there are fewer camps there. The best option is camp in the south. It's sunny, warm and interesting there. Excellent conditions for children's recreation are offered everywhere. Children's camps in the USA pay great attention to the selection of personnel. Only qualified workers and experienced staff with pedagogical education work with children and adolescents.
Recreation programs are designed taking into account the interests of children from different age groups. Children in American camps never get bored. In addition to resting at the camp, they visit excursions and famous amusement parks. For example, having gone to Florida, a child can get into the unique park "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter". Walt Disney parks are no less interesting. From the sights, it is recommended to see Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, ranches, prairies, deserts, etc.
American camps offer programs that are aimed at the active participation of children in any process. Recreation organizers select a variety of activities for each child. During communication in the camp, children gradually begin to speak a foreign language. They quickly adapt to the new language environment. Thus, a trip to an American camp is a great chance to learn the language. As they adapt, children begin to understand spoken language. At the end of the shift, they are already fluent in English. Therefore, rest in a camp in the United States cannot be called just entertainment. This is an educational and rewarding visit that contributes to the development of the child.