Car rental in Germany

Car rental in Germany
Car rental in Germany
photo: Car rental in Germany
photo: Car rental in Germany

How can you visit Germany and not enjoy the speed on the famous German autobahns! Germany is famous not only for the excellent quality of roads: it is a beautiful country with unique architecture and rich history. To experience all the beauty and grandeur of this country, visiting one city is not enough. Therefore, renting a car in Germany for traveling around the country is an excellent and most reasonable vacation option.

Features of car rental in Germany

Car rental in Germany has the following features:

  • the borrower must be at least 18 years old, and in some cases at least 21 years old. True, it is not uncommon for drivers under the age of 24 to be charged an additional fee in German car rental companies;
  • when renting a car, you should pay attention to the so-called fuel rule. In Germany, cars are rented according to the "Full-Full" rules, when the car must be returned fully fueled, and "Full-Empty", when the car is allowed to refuel with an empty tank. In the first case, there is a risk of additional payment for fuel;
  • the driving experience of a borrower of a car in Germany must be at least 2 years, and in the document giving the right to drive, the driver's personal data must be indicated in Latin letters (therefore, obtaining an IDP for travel in Germany is mandatory);
  • when renting a car in some companies, it is possible to rent it in another locality for an additional fee;
  • to transport children under 12 years old and under 150 cm tall, it is necessary to order child restraints together with the rental.

Car rental documents

As in any European country, car rental in Germany is possible with the following documents:

  • foreign passport;
  • visas;
  • driver's license;
  • international driving license.

You should also not forget about the availability of the amount required to insure the car. In Germany, this franchise can be returned if desired.

Car rental: pitfalls

To rent a car on favorable terms and without unpleasant surprises, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the more cars are rented per season, the higher the rent, so you should book a car in advance;
  • if you need to order a non-standard car - a limousine or a convertible, it is better to contact the rental offices near the airport. In cities, the range of cars is not so wide;
  • when receiving a package of documents for a rented car, it is imperative to verify all the data with the voucher. Employees of rental offices in Germany often add additional services without the knowledge of the client and include their cost in the bill;
  • when accepting the car, you must make sure that all defects are indicated on the rental card. If new deficiencies are found, you should insist on completing the card data.

The most important thing is to choose a car carefully, carefully read all the necessary contracts and instructions and not lose your vigilance. And then a car trip through Germany will bring nothing but pleasure.
