Description of the attraction
On the high ground between Rio Hondo and Newriver, west of Orange Walk, the ruins of a settlement of one of the oldest settled societies in Mesoamerica have been found. Quayo gets its name from the surname of the current landowners, on whose site the remains of the city were discovered.
Cuello is a small ceremonial center, but the archaeological finds found there are of great importance in gaining knowledge of the early Mayan life in these places. The oldest settlements in Queyo date back to 2500 BC. BC, they were abandoned in 500 AD. NS. Quayo is divided into two squares with pyramids and platforms dating from the classical period. The excavations have unearthed a proto-classical temple and one of the oldest types of pottery known only in lowland Mayan settlements.
You can get to Cuayo from Orange Walk by taxi, but you must first agree on a visit with the land owner.