Description of the attraction
One of the few temples of the Byzantine era that have survived to this day in Cyprus - the Church of St. Lazarus - is located in the very center of Larnaca. The temple was erected in the 9th century during the reign of Emperor Leo VI in honor of the righteous Lazarus, whom, as the Bible says, Jesus brought back to life. After his resurrection, he became one of the most zealous preachers of Christianity. Several decades later, the saint died and was buried in Cyprus. It was on the site of his grave that the temple was built, but the ruler decided to transport his relics to the capital of the empire - Constantinople.
The new church was a large building with an apse and three domes, as well as a high bell tower. But almost every time the power on the island changed, the temple was rebuilt. The first time this happened in the XIII century, when Cyprus was ruled by the Lusignan dynasty, the second - during the time of the Venetians. Then the temple passed to the Catholic Church. Later, the Ottomans who seized the island turned it into a mosque, destroying the domes and bell tower. However, the Turks soon decided to sell the building, and it again passed to the Christians. For some time, both Orthodox and Catholic services were held there. In the 18th century, a unique gilded baroque iconostasis, carved from wood, appeared in the church. It is decorated with a large number of icons, which are made with great care. But the bell tower was restored only in the 19th century; before that, the bells were simply attached to a wooden post.
When, after Cyprus gained independence, the temple was being renovated, a marble sarcophagus was found under the altar. Studies have shown that the remains that were in it belong to Saint Lazarus. Apparently, they were only partially exported to Constantinople.