Description of the attraction
Alpine Lake Ritsa is one of the most interesting natural tourist attractions not only in Abkhazia, but also on the entire Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.
General information
The lake is located in the basin of the Bzyb river, at an altitude of 950 m above sea level, east of the Gagra ridge, in a wooded gorge of the two rivers Yupshara and Lashipse. Mount Pshegishkha rises above Lake Ritsa from the southwest, Arihua (Rikhva) on the east, and the Acetuk rocky massif on the north.
The lake was formed about 250 years ago as a result of the collapse of a part of the Pshegishkhva mountain, which fell into the Lashipse river, thus damming it. The total area of the water surface is 132 hectares. The largest width of the lake is 447 m, the length is 1704 m, and the maximum depth is 115 m. As for the length of the coastline, it is almost 4, 30 km.
The alpine lake Ritsa feeds on the waters of the Lashipse River and small streams emerging at the spurs of the rocky Mount Acetuk. The lake shores are indented and in some places are inaccessible cliffs. The water in the lake has shades of dark green, which is not at all surprising, since in different places it has a different degree of transparency.
Popular holiday destination
The lake is also a unique natural site. Throughout its thousand-year history, it has never frozen. There is a huge amount of trout in Ritsa, which can be tasted in any restaurant on the shore of the lake. Recently, the infrastructure around Lake Ritsa began to actively develop, since the number of tourists visiting this place is constantly growing. There are many cafes and restaurants offering delicious local cuisine.
Tourists have a great opportunity to ride water bikes or boats on Lake Ritsa, admiring the amazing beauty of the surrounding nature.
On a note
- Location: Abkhazia, Gudauta region. A turn from the Sukhum highway near Bzypta, along the mountain road to the Ritsinsky reserve.
- Official website:
| All reviews 5 Roman 2016-20-09 11:00:38 AM
The most beautiful lakes I was in Abkhazia, I liked it very much. It has its own charm and uniqueness. But in terms of lakes, Belarus is number 1 for me. I have never seen so many lakes per square kilometer (but heard). And each one is very beautiful. I was also in the so-called Belarusian Maldives.