Museum of History and Local Lore in Pechora description and photos - Russia - North-West: Komi Republic

Museum of History and Local Lore in Pechora description and photos - Russia - North-West: Komi Republic
Museum of History and Local Lore in Pechora description and photos - Russia - North-West: Komi Republic
Museum of History and Local Lore in Pechora
Museum of History and Local Lore in Pechora

Description of the attraction

In the city of Pechora of the Komi Republic there is a famous local history museum, which is popular not only among residents, but also guests of the city. It began its work on July 31, 1969 as a volunteer museum. The founder of the museum was Peter Ivanovich Terentyev, who put a lot of effort and labor into the process of creating the museum and many expositions. The very first museum exposition was "Lyapinsky bread", which became a kind of dedication to the events of the Civil War on the Pechora River. In mid-1973, the museum moved to a two-story building on Sovetskaya Street, 33, which is still located there.

The museum officially opened on June 29, 1975 and, two years later, was awarded the status of a state one, after which it became one of the branches of the Museum of History and Local Lore of the Komi Republic. In 1993, the museum became completely independent and today is under the authority of the municipality.

As for the expositions of the museum, the permanent ones are: "Pechora region and Pechora in the 40s of the 20th century", "Pechora regions from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century", "Agricultural lag" Cedar Shor ", as well as" Formation and growth of Pechora ".

Since 2001, a school museum called "Repentance" has become a part of the local history museum. The number of all museum items at the beginning of 2009 was 63 thousand 41 items.

The work of the museum is actively developing in several directions related to the introduction of modern digital technologies related to the creation of electronic reference books and catalogs. For example, the "Archive of Memory" is a database telling about the Pechors who became participants in the Great Patriotic War, a personal catalog entitled "To the 70th anniversary of the birth of M. Ya. Bulgakova." and "One Hundred Streets of Pechora" - a popular historical guide and many others.

Project activities are of great importance in the work and activities of the museum. The Museum of History and Local Lore was able to implement the project "The Path to Civil Society and the Enlightenment of Youth". In cooperation with the administration of the city of Pechora and with some other public organizations, a project was created aimed at the development of ethno-tourism in the area of the Middle Pripechorye - “The Golden Coast of Pechora”. Together with the society "Memorial" received life and the "Virtual Museum of the Gulag".

Some of the most interesting collection items of the museum are ethnographic household items, various tools, clothing, fishing and hunting items of the Middle Pepechorye of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century. Of considerable interest is the archaeological collection, numbering 279 items, within which you can see items from the Byzova paleontological site, for example, mammoth tusks and bones, tools made of stone and many other things.

As for the natural science collections, it is worth noting the unique collection of minerals found in the Subpolar Urals zone, which was donated to the museum by the Ukhta geologists. There is a collection of numismatics, numbering 1540 units, as well as departments of early printed and manuscript books.

The collection of Old Believers' items includes handwritten books and collections, religious objects, as well as sound recordings of some spiritual poems, which were collected as part of the expedition of scientists of the KSC URO RAS. In the period of the 1990s, a fund of creations of local craftsmen of decorative and applied arts and art was formed in the museum.

In the collections of the Pechora Museum of History and Local Lore, a collection of objects and belongings of participants in the Great Patriotic War, including letters from the front, death notices and photographs, occupies an honorable place. The most valuable items were the registration cards of the mobilized soldiers in the Red Army, which were transferred to the museum by the city military registration and enlistment offices of the city of Pechora.

As part of the museum activities, the Memorial Society works, collecting historical information on the topic of political repression in Pechora and the Pechora region. It is worth highlighting the Kedrovoshorsky archive dating back to the 1940-1950s.

