Lake Keret description and photo - Russia - Karelia: Loukhsky district

Lake Keret description and photo - Russia - Karelia: Loukhsky district
Lake Keret description and photo - Russia - Karelia: Loukhsky district
Lake Keret
Lake Keret

Description of the attraction

Lake Keret is considered one of the most picturesque bodies of water in the Republic of Karelia. The coastline of the lake is cut by a huge number of capes, coves, islands and bays, which makes Keret an extraordinary system of stretches that are connected by narrow channels. Each ples-lake has its own name, for example, Serebryanoe, Severnoe, Plotichnoe, Kukkure-lake and some others.

The area of the entire water surface of Keret Lake is 245 sq. Km, and the total area with the lands of the islands is 298 sq. Km. The maximum length of the lake is 44 km, and its width is 14 km. The lake has more than 140 islands, the total area of which is 53 sq. Km. The mainland coastline exceeds 380 km; height above sea level about 90.6 m.

The lakeside area has a weakly expressed hilly plain, which is covered with forests and swamps. Coastal lakes are low and boggy, only some places have elevated shores. Keret Lake contains a considerable number of bays protruding into the lake from the peninsula and a considerable number of islands that are scattered throughout all parts of the reservoir. Witchani Island, located in the south of the lake area, is interesting in its size and rugged shape.

The catchment area of the lake is small. More than a dozen small rivers and streams flow into the lake, which originate from flattering lambas and swamps. The source is located in the western part of the Plotny Lake.

Keret Lake is considered to be shallow with a particularly developed coastal zone, which occupies more than half of the territorial area of the reservoir. The maximum depth of 26 meters is found in the western area of Plotnichy Lake; the average depth of the lake is 4.5 m. some parts of the lake have depressions that are 15 meters deep. In addition, there is another kind of elevation at the bottom. Most of the bottom is covered with olive, brown or gray silt. In those places where there is a shallow water zone, there are sandy, rocky and rocky-sandy soils. In some areas of Keret Lake there are lake ponds.

The lake is replete with developed higher aquatic vegetation, because the coastal zone of the reservoir is especially wide: there are bays that are almost completely covered with aquatic vegetation; it happens that thickets grow in a continuous strip stretching from 1 to 2 km. The vegetation is dominated by reeds, reeds, horsetails, sedges, water lilies and other species. Higher vegetation also grows in the lake, but in small quantities.

As for the thermal regime of Keret Lake, we can say that it differs significantly from the large lakes of the Karelian Republic, which mainly have cold waters. In summer, the surface water temperature reaches 21-22 ° C, which refers to the period of July-month. In some parts of the water column, relatively high temperatures from the bottom to the surface of the water are observed, which brings the state of water closer to homothermy. Towards the end of July, at a depth of 10 meters, temperatures at the bottom reach 16-17 ° C, at a depth of 21 m in some isolated pits, a lower temperature is observed (11.5 ° C). The freezing of the lake occurs at the end of October or at the beginning of November, and the ice begins to melt only from the second half of May.

The oxygen saturation of the Keret Lake waters is very high, usually in the range of 90-100% of the required saturation. In winter, there is a possibility of a significant lack of oxygen. The waters of the lake have a weakly acidic reaction with a pH value of 6, 6-6, 7. The content of hydrocarbonates in the lake water is 8, 54-13, 60 mg / l - this is slightly mineralized water.

Vingel Lake, located in the southern part of Keret Lake, is connected with the reservoir. The connection of the lakes takes place through the Niva River, which is the place of fishing for a considerable number of fishermen. The river has many swampy areas, behind which the forest stretches. Sandy beaches and granite outcrops are found in the southeastern part of the coast. Of considerable interest is the Silver Lake, which literally abounds in open and wide reaches; through it, along a narrow channel, you can get to Lake Kukkure, through the channels of which you can swim to Lake Bezymyanny.

