Hlawaga National Park description and photos - Myanmar: Yangon

Hlawaga National Park description and photos - Myanmar: Yangon
Hlawaga National Park description and photos - Myanmar: Yangon
Hlavaga National Park
Hlavaga National Park

Description of the attraction

Hlavaga National Park is located in the small town of Mingaladon, which is also home to Yangon International Airport. It is located 35 km north of Yangon. The 623 hectare park was established in 1982 as a center for environmental education. Now it is a popular holiday destination for both Yangon residents and numerous tourists.

Hlawaga Park's guests can enjoy a variety of activities: go on a safari on pleasure buses or ride elephants, walk on footpaths in the jungle, take a boat ride on a lake, sit in an ambush for bird watching, or simply walk along the hinged bridges over the water surface. admiring the surrounding landscapes. However, most of the park's visitors come here just to relax in nature. It is allowed to have picnics on the lawns of the park, which is what the locals use.

Hlavaga Park is divided into three zones: relaxation, adventure and education. The first zone houses small ecological houses where you can stay for several days, a boat rental and a spa and wellness center. In the adventure and active recreation area, there are camping grounds, training places for climbers and parachutists. Here you will also find offices offering jungle walks and bird watching tours. The education and hobby area is created for children and curious adults. There is a butterfly park, a reptile park, and the Insect Kingdom greenhouse.

