Monument to Vladislav Gorodetsky description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev

Monument to Vladislav Gorodetsky description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev
Monument to Vladislav Gorodetsky description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev
Monument to Vladislav Gorodetsky
Monument to Vladislav Gorodetsky

Description of the attraction

Speaking about a whole series of monuments to outstanding personalities that Kiev is full of, one cannot ignore the monument to Vladislav Gorodetsky. Vladislav Gorodetsky is a famous Kiev architect, thanks to whom Kiev became the way we know it. It is not surprising that it was to this person, more than anyone who deserves to be immortalized in memory, that the monument was opened.

The monument was solemnly opened in the spring of 2004 on the territory of the Passage, exactly where the architect often liked to visit. Funds for the construction of the monument were allocated by the Kiev City State Administration, and the authors were sculptors Vladimir Shchur and Vitaliy Sivko.

Vladislav Vladislavovich is depicted sitting at a cafe table, holding a cup of coffee in his right hand. On the table in front of the architect there is a book written by himself - “In the jungles of Africa. The Hunter's Diary . In this work, the architect described in detail the adventures that happened to him in Africa, because he was not only a talented architect, but also a passionate hunter. In search of impressions, Vladislav Gorodetsky traveled not only throughout the Russian Empire (the European part of Russia, Turkestan, Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Siberia), but also managed to visit other countries. But Gorodetsky's main passion was, of course, architecture. It was he who erected the most famous architectural monuments of Kiev - the Karaite Kenassa, the Museum of Antiquity and Arts, the House with Chimeras, the Church of St. Nicholas, etc. In addition, he was fond of jewelry, made prints, painted in watercolors and even created designs for costumes for the theater.

A feature of the monument is that its authors used an interesting technique - there is an empty space near the table at which the figure of Vladislav Gorodetsky sits, thus, visitors are kind of invited to join the architect.

