Description of the attraction
The National Museum is the largest cultural and historical museum in Copenhagen. It is located next to Nyhavn opposite the magnificent Kristiansborg royal residence. The museum contains exhibits illustrating the history of Denmark, from the Stone Age to the present, including the Viking period, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.
The National Museum is located on four floors in Prince Frederick's Palace, built in 1743-1744. The author of the construction project was the famous Danish architect Nikolai Eigtved. In 1892, the museum was officially opened. Historical exhibits not only from Denmark, but also ethnographic collections of other peoples of the world are presented here.
On the ground floor of the National Museum, there is an exposition that belongs to the prehistoric period. Among the exhibits of particular interest are ancient stones with runic inscriptions, the Trunnholm chariot, golden horns from Gallehus, a silver cauldron, a cart from Daibjerg. A magnificent collection of the Middle Ages is also presented in the museum - royal medals, ancient coins, weapons, interior items, paintings, church utensils, golden altars, dishes, jewelry. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum often hosts specialized exhibitions.
Today, the National Museum is a repository of works of art, which come to see a large number of people from all over the world.