Description of the attraction
In the list of cultural heritage sites of the peoples of Russia, the Arkhangelskoye estate in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region occupies a worthy place. The Arkhangelskoye palace and park ensemble began to form at the end of the 18th century … Over the years, its owners have been collecting objects of art that form the basis of the Museum of History and Art. Some of the objects in Arkhangelskoye are being restored, others are open to the public. The estate hosts various musical and theatrical events, exhibitions, literary readings and festivals.
The history of Arkhangelsk
One of the first owners of the estate was Alexey Ivanovich Upolotsky, and under the name of Upoloza, the estate has been known since the middle of the 16th century. A century later, the owner was a representative of a famous Russian family Fedor Ivanovich Sheremetev - voivode and boyar, whose activities were very diverse and ambiguous. Sheremetev served False Dmitry and Vasily Shuisky, participated in the embassy, which offered the crown to the Pole, and then actively contributed to the election of the Romanovs to the kingdom, heading the embassy of the Zemsky Cathedral in the Ipatiev Monastery. Before his death he accepted the monastic rank and a year after the tonsure he died.
In the second half of the 17th century, the estate, still called Upoloza, passed to the Odoevsky family - a princely family descended from the princes of Chernigov. The Odoyevskys demolish a wooden church that existed since the first half of the 16th century and build a stone church. It is consecrated in honor of the Archangel Michael, and around them there are dwelling mansions cut from logs with outbuildings - a stockyard, a mill, a glacier, a stable yard and barns.
A few decades later, the owners of Arkhangelskoe become Golitsyn, and one of them, Nikolai Alekseevich, in 1780 ordered a French architect to build a new palace.

Work began four years later, and a few years later an Italian joined the construction Giacomo Trombara … Under his leadership, terraces with marble balustrades were created in Arkhangelskoye. Flower beds were laid out on the terraces and sculptures were erected. An engineer brought from Sweden built two dams on the Goryatinka River. The ponds formed by the flooding of the meadows became reservoirs. With the help of a pipe system, water was supplied to the park, greenhouses and vegetable gardens. The outbuildings and the palace received running water, and several fountains were equipped in the park.
The prince who bought the estate in 1810 Nikolay Yusupov was a famous statesman and diplomat. Yusupov collected works of art, and Arkhangelskoye, in his opinion, was the best fit for placing and storing his valuable collections. One of the pearls of the prince's collection was a replica of the sculptural composition Cupid and Psyche, made by the Italian master Antonio Canova. The war with France that began soon did not allow Yusupov's plans to come true: the prince sent valuable items to evacuation to Astrakhan, and Napoleon's soldiers thoroughly plundered the estate itself. The situation was aggravated by the fire of 1820, and Arkhangelskoye again demanded repair and restoration.
Famous Moscow architects and artists worked on the restoration. Osip Ivanovich Bove, known for his master plan for the restoration of Moscow after the war of 1812, worked in Arkhangelsk with an architect and famous collector Evgraf Dmitrievich Tyurin … In the implementation of the plan for the restoration of the estate took part and Giuseppe Anzhiolo Artari - a native of Switzerland and a Moscow decorator and sculptor. Angiolo painted the walls and ceilings of many rooms in Arkhangelskoe, among which is the Egyptian hall and the grand drawing room. As a result, the large house acquired a new appearance in the Empire style, and the park that surrounded the palace complex was cleared and ennobled. Under the prince N. B. Yusupov Arkhangelskoye turned into a single palace and park complex.
The estate began to be called the Versailles near Moscow, and outstanding and talented contemporaries visited its owner more than once. Vyazemsky and Herzen, Karamzin and Pushkin, artists Makovsky, Serov and Korovin, composer Stravinsky often visited Arkhangelskoye. The guests of honor of the estate were representatives of the imperial family.
Restoration work resumed at the beginning of the 20th century, when the architect P. Harko, who was called the master of Moscow Art Nouveau, and an outstanding artist I. Nivinsky renovated the main building of the estate and restored the paintings that had been lost over time. The technique in which the interiors of the palace were painted was called grisaille. It allowed using brushes and paints to imitate bas-relief images and was often used by decorators in the Baroque era.
Museum in Arkhangelskoye

The revolutionary events of 1917 changed the life of the entire country. The property was requisitioned in favor of the young state, and Arkhangelskoye was no exception. Two years after the establishment of Soviet power a museum was opened in the estate … The first visitors crossed the threshold of its halls May 1, 1919.
The basis of the collection of the Museum-Estate "Arkhangelskoye" was collection of art objects of Prince N. B. Yusupov … His descendants carefully preserved a collection of paintings, sculptures, magnificent examples of decorative and applied art and thousands of volumes of old and rare books that the prince collected all his life. Former employees of Arkhangelsk played a significant role in preserving the values and organizing the museum. They obtained a letter of protection from the Revolutionary Committee of Moscow.
The 20s of the last century became a difficult test for the estate. One of the palace wings was turned into shelter for street children, a Komsomol cell was going to the building of the burial vault, and in 1933 the estate was transferred to the People's Commissariat of Naval Affairs. The estate opened rest house for the military, for which many buildings were converted into residential buildings.
Nevertheless, the museum was able to resist and preserve the main architectural monuments and the main part of the palace park. In the post-war years, large-scale restoration work took place in the estate, the expositions of the exhibition in the Colonnade and the Church of the Archangel Michael were opened, the theater building and the historical appearance of the park were restored.
What to see in the Arkhangelskoye estate

Undoubtedly, the main attention of tourists is riveted to the building. palace in Arkhangelsk, the construction of which was started in 1784 by the prince N. A. Golitsyn … The work lasted for more than a quarter of a century, but the decoration of the mansion was not completed until the death of the owner. His son completed the construction, and in the 20s of the 19th century, the palace became the repository of an invaluable collection of works of art. The interiors of the mansion demonstrate the high artistic taste of its owners and architects. The proportions of the building are surprisingly harmonious, the abundance of tall windows makes the interiors especially light, and the principles of symmetry are reflected both in the plan and in its implementation.
Theater building, built by the Italian Pietro di Gottardo Gonzaga. The theater in Arkhangelskoye was conceived in 1817 for the upcoming celebrations on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the victory over the French. The building was built of wood on a stone foundation. The stage had all the necessary adaptations for a quick change of scenery, and the curtain, painted by Gonzaga, served as a continuation of the architectural forms of the auditorium. The theater in Arkhangelskoye is one of the few preserved and not affected by the reconstruction of the ancient temples of Melpomene in the world.
Colonnade or tomb temple - the latest construction in Arkhangelsk. It was erected at the beginning of the twentieth century in memory of the members of the Yusupov family, buried in the estate. The author of the project of the temple-tomb is R. I. Klein, known for his capital buildings in the spirit of neoclassicism and empire style. In recent years, the Colonnade has hosted classical music concerts and world opera stars, choirs and chamber ensembles perform.
Temple of Michael the Archangel was built on the site of a wooden church in the 60s of the 17th century. It is believed that the construction was headed by the serf architect Pavel Potekhin. The church is the oldest building in Arkhangelskoye, and its architectural features look somewhat unusual for Orthodox religious buildings. The side-altars of the temple are located diagonally from the main structure, and the vaulted ceilings rest on only two pillars. T. N. Yusupova is buried at the southern wall of the Church of the Archangel Michael. The tombstone by M. Antokolsky is now in the Tea House on the territory of the museum.
The architectural ensemble of the Arkhangelskoye estate also includes Holy gates and adobe fence at the Church of the Archangel Michael, built in the 20s of the XIX century; office wing XVIII century, rebuilt at the same time by the architect E. Tyurin; Tea house; imperial column, established in 1816 in honor of the visit to Arkhangelskoe of the Russian Emperor Alexander I.
Museum collections in Arkhangelskoye

The collection of paintings in the museum of the estate is one of the most significant among the Russian collections of Western European painting. Of greatest interest to lovers of fine arts are Renaissance canvases and paintings painted in the 17th-18th centuries, - "The Sacrifice of Abraham" by Allori, "Rest on the Flight into Egypt" by Veronese's workshop, "Meeting of Antonio and Cleopatra" by Tiepolo, the works of Tassel, Lorrain and the landscapes of Dughet.
Sculpture collection the estate contains several hundred magnificent works of European masters. Among the most famous are "Mercury" by the Bologna workshop, "Diana the Bather" by Falcone; "Paris" by Antonio Canova, with whom Prince N. B. Yusupov was personally acquainted. The oldest masterpieces of antique sculpture date back to the 1st century. n. NS.
Exhibits from collections of arts and crafts diverse in purpose, style, and technical implementation. The museum displays old carriages and furniture used by the owners of the estate. On the stands you will see dishes and mantel clocks, toiletries and carpets, silver candelabra and wrought-iron table decorations. The exhibits are made of metal and wood, ornamental stone and glass, velor and porcelain, clay and papier-mâché.
On a note
- Location: Moscow region, Krasnogorsk urban district, pos. Arkhangelskoe
- How to get there: from the metro station "Tushinskaya" by buses No. 540, 541 and 549, stop "Arkhangelskoye". Or by train to Pavshino station, then by bus # 524 or minibus # 24 to the stop "Sanatorium".
- Official website:
- Opening Hours: The park is open daily from 10:00 to 21:00 (November to April until 18:00). Exhibitions are open daily, except Monday and Tuesday, from 10:30 am to 5:00 pm (in winter until 4:00 pm); on weekends and holidays from 10 am to 6 pm (in winter until 5 pm).
- Tickets: 50-150 rubles.
| All reviews 2 Ilya 2016-03-09 15:29:06
Be careful The estate itself is quite interesting and beautiful.
Interesting museums, exhibitions, I know that sometimes concerts of classical music are held there.
Everything would be very pleasant, if not for one BUT. The girl and I decided to visit Arkhangelskoye on the weekend. And I can say that whatever the queue at the checkout …