Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque description and photos - Mexico: Palenque

Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque description and photos - Mexico: Palenque
Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque description and photos - Mexico: Palenque
Pre-Hispanic City and Palenque National Park
Pre-Hispanic City and Palenque National Park

Description of the attraction

Palenque is the capital of the ancient Mayan state called the Baakul Kingdom. Now this territory is the eastern part of the modern state of Chiapas. These ruins were discovered in the 17th century and since then they have constantly revealed new secrets to researchers.

Palenque was abandoned in the 9th century, supposedly from invasions and devastating wars with the tribes of the Gulf of Mexico. The city ruins, located in tropical thickets, are only the central part of the large ancient city that used to be here.

Today, the remains of the palace can be found in the park. On its preserved ruins, as well as on the walls of the watchtower, the astronomical observatory, the temples of the Sun and the Cross, the Temple of the Inscriptions and other buildings, one can find skilfully created and well-preserved drawings.

The ancient Maya, creating terraces here, used new construction methods and thereby modified the natural relief of the Chiapas foothills. Thanks to the high level of construction technology, they were able to erect a palace with a four-story tower and created a convenient infrastructure of underground premises in it. Under the Temple of the Inscriptions in the 20th century, archaeologists found a large room with a sarcophagus, where the remains of the ruler of Palenque were preserved. All the treasures found were sent to the Anthropological Museum in Mexico City for storage, and a copy of the carved slab was installed under the temple.

Scientists call Palenque temples truly unique buildings; they are located at the very top of the pyramid. Each of these temples was created for ritual purposes. In addition to them, in the park you can also find three-meter stone vaults - aqueducts.

