Tromsobrua bridge description and photos - Norway: Tromso

Tromsobrua bridge description and photos - Norway: Tromso
Tromsobrua bridge description and photos - Norway: Tromso
Troomsey bridge
Troomsey bridge

Description of the attraction

The road two-lane cantilever bridge across the bay was built in 1960 by the Norwegian architect Erling Viksjo. The bridge took on some of the traffic load carried out prior to its construction via the ferry.

The Tromsø Reinforced Concrete Bridge is 1036 m long, 8.3 m wide, 58 spans. In 2005, a high fence was installed on the bridge, a fence against suicides, because its height (38 m above sea level) attracted people here who decided to commit suicide.

There are cycle paths and pedestrian walkways on both sides. Since its opening, Tromsøj Bridge has become one of the largest cultural monuments in Norway.

