Description of the attraction
The famous Wrangel estate is located in the small village of Torosovo. It is known from history that the Wrangel family is an old family of Scandinavian barons. During the Civil War, his representative became known - the so-called "black baron", Petr Nikolayevich Wrangel - Lieutenant General, as well as the commander-in-chief of all the Armed Forces of the Southern part of Russia, or the AFYUR.
In the village of Torosovo, you can now see only the ruins of a baronial mansion that previously existed here, as well as an old park that originates in the courtyard of the local administration. The construction of the main mansion took place in 1870, and until that moment the territory was empty. It is worth noting that the chosen architectural style caused some misunderstandings, but nevertheless took root in the new house - the architect was able to beat the "English Gothic" so that it seemed even somewhat elegant. Until now, the name of the architect remains unknown. The house is characterized by solid brickwork, which speaks of the aesthetic taste of its owner - Mikhail Georgievich Wrangel, who was the Governor-General of Livonia and the uncle of the white general.
The manor park is completely man-made, in its design the alternation of plots and zones is thought out to the smallest detail. The park is full of larch, ash, oak, elm trees, which fit perfectly into the spreading linden crowns and slender silhouettes of firs and spruces. The picture presented was replete with a luxurious variety of both tree plantations and ornamental shrubs - all this created an incredible landscape picture, clearly standing out against the background of dense lawns and meadows. The large mansion could be seen from every corner of the park, because it is located on a small hill.
Currently, there is some information about the Wrangel family. The grandfather of Peter Nikolaevich - Yegor (Georgy) Ermolaevich Wrangel (1803-1868) was a fairly large landowner. In the province near the city of St. Petersburg, he owned the following estates: Lopez, Torosovo and Teplitsy. The estates of Teplitsy and Torosovo were acquired in 1840.
During the 1850-1860s, Yegor Ermolaevich was the hero of the storming of Warsaw and Varna, and was also awarded several orders and medals and the Golden Weapon. In addition, he more than once became the leader of the Yamburg nobility. As for the family life of General Wrangel, he was married to Traunberg Daria Alexandrovna - the great-granddaughter of Hannibal Abram Petrovich and the second cousin of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. While in retirement, Wrangel's grandfather was in the status of an official and served under the General of the War Ministry. Many called him "a frantic serf-owner", and the peasant people called him a "benefactor." According to written data, when the zemstvo did not have enough money, Georgy Ermolaevich always invested his money in new projects, as happened on the issue related to the construction of a new road. HER. Wrangel was buried in a tract called Raskulitsy, which belonged to his relatives, namely the barons of Korf.
According to some reports, in the winter, namely in February 1918, the cousins of the “black baron”, Mikhail and George, were killed on the Wrangel estate.
According to many contemporaries, the nobility of the Yamburg district was distinguished by some clannishness, because Wrangeli, Rotkirhi, Korf, Traubenbergs, Blocks lived in these places, who had family ties with each other. Some of these representatives at one time became related with the descendants and relatives of Abram Hannibal. For some time, the county was called the Ostsee Territory, because the largest number of representatives were visitors from the Baltic States.
Today, the state of the park and the mansion is such that it is impossible to observe ever more decaying buildings without bitter regret, because there is practically no hope for a speedy restoration.