Historical and architectural complex "Sarepta" description and photos - Russia - South: Volgograd

Historical and architectural complex "Sarepta" description and photos - Russia - South: Volgograd
Historical and architectural complex "Sarepta" description and photos - Russia - South: Volgograd
Historical and architectural complex "Sarepta"
Historical and architectural complex "Sarepta"

Description of the attraction

The unique historical and architectural complex "Sarepta" on the southern outskirts of Volgograd is a miraculously preserved building of the settlement of Lutheran colonists, founded in 1765 as a brotherhood of Gernguthers.

The only colony in Russia (only a few dozen in the world) of followers of the teachings of Jan Hus existed until the end of the nineteenth century. A part of the territory of 7, 1 hectares, which once belonged to old Sarepta, remained in its original form, despite the floods and fires that periodically destroyed the entire settlement. 28 buildings, including 24 architectural monuments of the 18-19th centuries, which remained to our time, were the center of industry and culture of the Lower Volga region. The Sareptians also contributed to the development of the Russian economy by growing and processing agricultural crops previously unknown in the Volga region. Sarepta gingerbread, balsam, oil and mustard powder were in demand far beyond the borders of the state. Missionaries were the pioneers of tile, soap, tobacco and the famous sarpino (weaving) production. For the first time in the Volga region in Sarepta, a European elevator, water supply and other benefits of civilization were used.

Nowadays, the historical and architectural complex "Sarepta" includes: the building of the 18th century museum-reserve "Old Sarepta" with an exposition of the cultural heritage of the Lower Volga region and the history of the development of the settlement, a church square with a bell tower, a pharmacist's house, Sarepta vineyards, healing springs, an estate peasant, wine cellar with vaulted ceilings, industrial premises (18-19 centuries) and the tallest building in the settlement - Kirkha, where concerts of organ, instrumental and classical music (built in 1772) are held. On the old square, theatrical performances of historical battles take place, festivals of national culture are held.

The historical and architectural complex "Sarepta" is considered the largest tourist, cultural and research center of the Volga region.

